Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Being intentional with the opportunity to invite someone to come to know and follow Jesus...

Last week at the church where I serve we concluded a sermon series entitled Invest. During that series, we discovered how investing our time in a community group, our talents on a ministry team, and our treasure in a way that reflects the generosity of Jesus results in us experiencing a growing and maturing relationship with Jesus as we engage in the kingdom mission we have been given by Jesus.

That kingdom mission, as stated in what is referred to in church mumbo jumbo talk as the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 is to “go and make disciples.  In other words, as followers of Jesus, we are to strive to make disciples, or followers of Jesus, as we are living our day to day lives in the areas of influence that we have been given. And that first step in making disciples, or followers of Jesus, requires that followers of Jesus are engaging and inviting those who are not followers of Jesus to explore faith and follow Jesus.

Now a natural question that could arise at this point is “Well Dave that sounds great, but how exactly am I supposed to invite people to explore faith and follow Jesus? How do I tell others about Jesus? What am I supposed to say? And just as importantly how should I say what I am supposed to say? How should I engage and invite those who do not know Jesus to follow Jesus?”

If these questions are running through your mind, I want to let you know that you are asking great questions. And in the weeks leading up to Easter, we are going to spend our time together answering those question in a sermon series entitled “Invite”. During this series we are going to look at several events from history where Jesus engaged and invited those who were far from Him to follow Him and live in relationship with Him.

During this series, we are going to discover what Jesus said to invite those who were far from Him to follow Him and live in relationship with Him. During this series, we are going to discover how Jesus said what He said to invite those who were far from Him to follow Him and live in relationship with Him. And as we go through this series, our hope and prayer is that God would move by the power of the Holy Spirit in our heads, hearts, and hands in a way that equips and empowers us to follow the example of Jesus when it comes to inviting those who are far from Jesus to follow Jesus and live in relationship with Jesus.   

Now you might not buy the whole Jesus, Bible, church thing. You might not be sure about whether or not there is a God, let alone whether you should follow Him or live for Him. If I have just described you here’s the thing: What you will discover during this series is that there is a reason why followers of Jesus are commanded by Jesus to invite you to follow Jesus. And there is a way that followers of Jesus are supposed to invite you to follow Jesus. And my hope for you is that you would see what Jesus calls His followers to do when it comes to inviting you to follow Jesus so that you can see how Jesus feels about you and what He calls His followers to do, and what Jesus calls His followers not to do, when it comes to engaging you and inviting you to follow Jesus.

Now this week I would like for us to spend our time together looking at an event from history that is recorded in a section of an account of Jesus life that is recorded for us in the Bible called the gospel of John. And it is in a section of the gospel of John that we see John give us a front row seat to how Jesus engaged and invited someone who was far from Him to follow Him. So let’s take that front row seat together, beginning in John 4:1-6:

Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John  (although Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were), He left Judea and went away again into Galilee. And He had to pass through Samaria. So He came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph; and Jacob's well was there. So Jesus, being wearied from His journey, was sitting thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.

John brings us to our front row seats for this encounter by providing for us the context in which this encounter would take place. John explains that once Jesus knew that the Pharisee’s, who were the self righteous religious people, became aware that Jesus had become more popular than John the Baptizer, Jesus left Judea and went to Galilee. You see, Jesus knew that His growing popularity would be viewed as a threat by the Pharisee’s to their position and power that they loved. And Jesus knew that the Pharisee’s would attempt to harass and attack Jesus, just like they had done to John the Baptizer. So, Jesus decided to leave Judea and the Pharisee’s animosity in order to continue the mission He had been given in Galilee.

John states that Jesus had to pass through Samaria. But what is so significant about Samaria that John would mention the fact that Jesus had to travel through there? To answer this question, we first need to understand a few things. The first things that we need to understand is where Samaria was located in relation to Judea and Galilee. You see, Judea was located in what is now southern Israel. Galilee, is located in what is now northern Israel. And in between Judea and Galilee was the region that John referred to as Samaria.

 Now this leads us to the second thing that we need to understand, which is the history of the people that lived in Samaria. You see, at one time, Samaria was a part of the northern Kingdom of Israel. Then, in 722 B.C., the Assyrian Empire conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel. In order to help control the regions that they conquered, the Assyrians developed a strategy that involved deporting large numbers of Jewish people and replacing them with large numbers of people from the nation of Assyria. The Assyrians who moved to Samaria worshipped false gods and simply added the worship of the One True God to their worship of their false gods.

Over time, the Jewish people began to intermarry and adopt the religion and culture of the Assyrians. These Samaritans rejected all of the Old Testament except the first five books and refused to worship at the temple in Jerusalem. Instead, the Samaritans built their own temple on Mt Gerizim in 400 B.C.

Now as you might imagine, the Jewish people did not respond well to what was happening in Samaria. And over time a great deal of animosity built between the Jewish people who lived in southern Israel and the people who lived in Samaria. The closest cultural comparison would be that the Samaritans were viewed in a similar way to how a black and white married couple would have been viewed in the southern United States in the 1950’s. The Jewish people came to view the Samaritans as “half breeds” and wanted nothing to do with them. The Jewish people would later burn down the temple in Samaria in 128 B.C.

So, if a Jewish person had to make a trip from Judea to Galilee, they would often cross the Jordan River in Judea, travel north until they reached Galilee, and then cross back over the Jordan River to get into Galilee. Or they would travel west to the edge of the Mediterranean Sea and walk up a coastal road to the north. That is how much the Jews hated the Samaritans. 

However, Jesus had to pass through Samaria. John then tells us that Jesus arrived at the city of Sychar, which is located here on the map. Upon arriving in the city, Jesus, tired from the long trip, decided to rest at a well. John tells us that it was the sixth hour, which was noon. So, Jesus, wearied from His trip, is sitting by a well in the heat of the desert day.

Now a natural question that arises here is “Why did Jesus have to go there?” You see, Jesus was very intentional when it came to how He lived His life here on earth. Jesus was very intentional when it came to how he used His time and where He traveled. Jesus intentionally went to Samaria because there was an opportunity to invite someone to come to know and follow Him.

Someone that John will introduce us to on Wednesday…

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