Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Top Ten List of evidences of God’s activity in 2019 at City Bible Church, Part 1...

Throughout the letters that make up the Bible, we see occasions where the people of God stopped to celebrate the evidence of God’s activity in their life and in history. For example, after creating the universe and everything that exists out of nothing, God stopped to rest and reflect on His activity in creating history. God then commanded the Jewish people to pause every week for the Sabbath, which was designed for followers of God to follow the example of God and rest and reflect on His activity in their lives.

Then, in the book of Exodus, we see God command the Jewish people to celebrate the Passover so that they would reflect, remember, and celebrate God’s activity in the past that resulted in their deliverance from slavery at the hands of the nation of Egypt. Jesus instituted communion, where we pause to reflect, remember, and celebrate the message of the gospel that provides us forgiveness and the relationship with God that we were created for as a result of placing our trust in what Jesus did for us through His life, death, and resurrection. Throughout the history of God’s movement in history called the church, followers of Jesus have paused to reflect, remember, and celebrate the evidence of God’s activity in their lives.

So this week, as we come to the end of 2019, I would like for us to reflect, remember, and celebrate the evidence of God’s activity this past year at the church where I serve, which is City Bible Church in Bullhead City, Arizona. To do that, I would like to share with you a top ten list.  This top ten list involves the top ten things that we are celebrating when it comes to the evidence of God’s activity this past year at City Bible Church. So with that in mind, lets jump into this top ten list together.

Number 10 on the top ten list of evidences of God’s activity in 2019 here at City Bible Church involved our involvement in the Global Leadership Summit. This past August, we had the opportunity as a church to be a host site for the Global Leadership Summit, which is held at Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago and is one of the best leadership conferences in the country.  The opportunity to be a host site provides the ability for us to provide top notch training to those who would not have the opportunity to normally attend such a conference.

As a result of the success that we had as a church in hosting what is referred to as a private viewing, we now have the opportunity to invite other churches to be a part of the Global Leadership Summit as a public viewing venue. One of our priorities as a church is to develop spiritually growing leaders within our church, while providing spaces and opportunities for other local churches to develop their leaders as well. As we talked about with the Growing Faith Conference, while we are a local church, we want to be open handed and generous to other churches in a way that helps the big C Church advance the kingdom mission we all have been given by Jesus. We look forward to the opportunities we now have to help equip, empower, and unleash leaders from C.B.C. and other local churches to make a difference for Jesus in our community and beyond. 

Number 9 on the top ten list of evidences of God’s activity in 2019 here at City Bible Church involved our participation in the Angel Tree project.  Angel Tree is a project where we adopt local families where one or more parents are incarcerated and unable to spend Christmas with their families. As part of adopting these local families, we purchase Christmas gifts on behalf of the incarcerated parent. We then have the privilege of being that hands and feet of that parent by delivering the gifts to the children. This provides us the opportunity to reveal and reflect the love of Jesus to local families as we bring a glimpse of the light and love of the kingdom of Heaven to these families in a time that could be otherwise very discouraging and disappointing. 

This past year, as part of the partnership with Angel Tree ministries, we were able to purchase gifts for 77 children and impact 34 families with the love of Jesus. Angel tree has provided the opportunity to engage children and their families by developing relationships that invite them to explore faith and experience genuine and authentic community, and we look forward to being a part of Angel Tree next year as well.

Number 8 on the top ten list of evidences of God’s activity in 2019 here at City Bible Church involved our participation in the Boys and Girls Club Scholarship Outreach. As we have engaged our local community over the years, one of the pressing needs that many families have during the summer months involves providing childcare for their children. When school is out for the summer, many families are faced with the prospect of leaving their children home alone while they go to work to provide for their families. The cost of childcare in many cases, is beyond their reach. In addition, while to Boys and Girls Club provides a summer program, the cost is also beyond what many local families can afford.

As a result of these realities, as a church we raised resources in an attempt to be able to scholarship children that would otherwise be unable to participate in the program. As a result of your open-handed generosity over and above your regular giving, this past spring we were able to raise the resources to scholarship 42 children to participate in the 8-week summer program at the Boys and Girls Club. The impact of your generosity can not be overrated for the lives of local children and families, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with the Boys and Girls Club this spring.

Number 7 on the top ten list of evidences of God’s activity in 2019 here at City Bible Church involved our involvement with the annual Fusion Prescott Pines Mission Trip. This past July 19-22nd, 27 Fusion students and staff loved and served Prescott Pines Camp by completing two different projects. This Mission Trip is designed to give Jr. And Sr. High students the opportunity to selflessly serve the camp during the day by completing projects that the camps staff is unable to attend to during the busy summer months. 

One Team of Fusion students and staff created the forms necessary for the building of Yurts, which are a hybrid tent building designed to replace the current Tee Pees used during the summer to house children during summer camp. A second team completed a renovation project of a former bathhouse that will be turned into a conference space for adult visitors. After working on these projects during the day, the students participate in team building projects and teaching on the three most important questions that everyone asks and answers about life.

The impact of the experience for these students provides a foundation for their life experiences in the future and sets the stage for their engagement in the ministry here at the church and their involvement in fusion during the year. As we have talked about in the past, students are not the church of the future; they are the church of the present and are actively involved in many of the ministries here at C.B.C. We are excited about what God is doing in the lives of these students and look forward to continuing our partnership with Prescott Pines in the future.  

Number 6 on the top ten list of evidences of God’s activity in 2019 here at City Bible Church involved our engagement of the community through our annual Candyland Carnival that past Halloween. Every Halloween we take the opportunity to turn our west parking lot into a carnival atmosphere with games, bounce houses, and food, at no cost to our community. The purpose of Candyland is to create a safe space on Halloween night that reaches out to our local community in a way that reveals and reflects the love of Jesus to our community. Candyland provides us the opportunity to redeem the evening for Jesus as we reveal and reflect Jesus to the community.

This past Halloween, nearly 2,000 individuals from our community were able to enjoy the fun fan family friendly atmosphere at Candyland.  What is so encouraging is that for many individuals and families who call C.B.C. home, their initial encounter with the church was through Candyland. As a church we are so thankful for the many individuals who invested their time, talents and treasure to make Candyland such a success by helping with set up and take down, by managing a game booth, and by helping prepare and serve food for the children and families that were a part of this event.

Friday, we will look at #5-1 on the Top Ten List…. in the meantime, what would be #10-6 on your Top Ten List of the evidences of God's activity in your life?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

7 Common Questions About Attending City Bible Church this Christmas...

If you are considering visiting a church for the first time this Christmas, or after not having been to church for a while, you may have questions, but you’re not sure who to ask. So here are 7 frequently asked questions that you may have if you are considering visiting City Bible Church this week for Christmas:

What should I wear?

At City Bible Church, you will see all styles of dress. Some will wear suits and dresses. Some will wear jeans and t-shirts. To answer your question, choose an outfit you already own, one you feel comfortable in, and join us.

What will we do? What can I expect?

We will have a fairly typical worship schedule. We will have a short greeting time, sing two songs, I’ll share a message, we will sing two more songs. We will attempt to have songs that would be somewhat similar in style to what you may hear on your radio and that all ages can enjoy. And, yes, in full transparency, and in case you’re wondering, we will receive an offering. Our offerings support the full range of ministries we offer in the church, community, and around the world. You are not required, however, to participate during this time unless you choose to do so.

Will you embarrass me?

I certainly hope not. It will be a primary goal not to do that. I don’t personally like to be embarrassed when I visit somewhere new, even in a church — and I’m a pastor — so my goal is to create an environment that is comfortable for all. You WILL NOT be singled out as a visitor. We don’t make visitors stand, raise their hand, or even fill out a card if you choose not to do so.

How long will the service last?

Slightly more than an hour. I’d love to say an hour, but frequently the service ends up being an hour and 5 or 10 minutes. At the most, you’ll be with us for an hour and 15 minutes.

What time should I arrive?

That’s a great question. We have two worship services on the Sunday before Christmas (8:30 and 10:00 a.m.) and two worship services on Christmas Eve (4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.) that will have a different message than on Sunday. And, I’m really trying to help when I suggest you get here a few minutes early. Maybe even as many as 10 or 15 minutes early. It takes a little while to make your way through our campus, especially if you have children to check into our children’s areas or this is your first time. We especially want you to find a seat where you are most comfortable, and you’ll feel more comfortable if you have a few minutes to adjust before the service begins. We have a bulletin you can be reading while you wait for the service to start.

Do you have something for children?

Absolutely. Birth through 6th grade have their own activities designed especially for them. They will enjoy a time called Kids Konnection that will engage them at their level. Of course, we don’t keep you from bringing children with you in the worship service if that is more comfortable on a first visit, but our experience is that they truly do enjoy Kids Konnection. Either way, we love when entire families join us Christmas week.

Can I only come one time? Really, for what am I signing up when I come on Christmas?

There’s no obligation beyond Christmas weekend. Promise. Being honest, we do ask you to fill out a communication card and, if you do, we will follow up with you. And I hope you do. I love seeing who God brought to us as our guests. I love meeting guests. We won’t put any unfair pressure on you to ever come again. We hope you will, and we’d love if Christmas triggered that desire in you, but that’s your call — not ours.

I hope that answers some questions of those who are thinking about visiting City Bible Church.

What other questions do you have? Seriously, I’d rather you asked.

***Much of this post adopted from a great post by Ron Edmonson on this issue...