Friday, January 5, 2018

The original Christmas playlist contains songs that celebrate the opportunity we have been given to experience peace with God and one another through His Son Jesus...

This week, we have been looking at another song that was a part of the original Christmas playlist. However, this particular song is unique in that it was not composed by a human being. Instead, this song was composed and sung by a group of angelic beings.

Tuesday and Wednesday, we looked at the context for the event from history that we know as the Christmas story. After arriving in Bethlehem to participate in a census that was required by the ruling Roman Empire, Mary discovered that she was not just with child; it was time to have the child. There was a problem, however. Bethlehem was a small rural community that was busting at the seams because of all the out of town visitors that were required to come to register for the census. 

Bethlehem was so crowded that the only place that they could find for Mary to give birth and stay in was with domesticated animals. Most likely this was in a cave on the outskirts of town where animals where kept for their safety. Instead of a crib, all Mary could lay her newborn in was a manger, which was a feeding trough for animals.

Upon giving birth to Jesus, Luke explained that God’s personal servant, named Gabriel, appeared to a group of shepherds to announce the arrival of Jesus into humanity. The Angel Gabriel explained that they would find their God, their rescuer, their deliverer in the cave on the edge of town, where He is wrapped up in clothes in a feeding trough”.

Now, I want us to take a minute and imagine ourselves in this event from history as one of the shepherds. You have just had an encounter with a heavenly being. What would you be thinking? What questions would be running through your mind? Here’s what I think was running through their mind. “Why would God send an angel to tell us? Why us?

However, while the shepherds were frightened and were pondering all that they had heard, there were another group of beings who were about to enter this event from history which we know today as the Christmas story. And it is this group of beings, upon entering this event from history that we know today as the Christmas story, would compose and sing a song that would become a part of the original Christmas playlist. So let's look at that song together, beginning in Luke 2:13:

And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."

Can you imagine what that must have looked like? Can you imagine what it must sound like to hear a multitude of angel’s worship God in one accord without anyone being off key? But this was not just any multitude of angels. Instead Luke tells us that this was a multitude of the Heavenly Host. In other words, this was an army of angels. And the chorus line of the worship song that this army of angels was singing to the shepherds was this: “glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”  

Now this chorus line that was being sung by this army of angels, if written in the language we use in our culture today, would have sounded something like this: “may God’s reputation be enhanced to the max and may those whom God favors experience a state of well being with Him”. This army of angels composed and sang a song of worship to the Lord in response to God sending His Son as the One who would provide the opportunity for humanity to be rescued from their selfishness and rebellion so that they could experience the relationship with God that they were created for. This army of angels composed and sang a song of worship to the Lord in response to God sending His Son as the One who would be an agent of peace that would provide the opportunity for humanity to experience peace with God and peace with one another here on earth.

And it is in this song that was composed and sung by an army of angels in response to God’s activity in history that first Christmas that would become a part of the original Christmas playlist, that we discover a timeless truth about the very first Christmas and its place the grand story of God's activity in history. And that timeless truth is this: The original Christmas playlist contains songs that celebrate the opportunity we have been given to experience peace with God and one another through His Son Jesus.

Now you may be wondering “I mean, there is still so much violence in the world? So how can you say that Christmas provide such peace? How can you say that Jesus brought peace to earth when there is still so much violence?” If that question is running through your mind, I just want to let you know that you are asking a great question.

And my response to that question is this: While Christmas is about Jesus providing humanity the opportunity to experience peace with God and others, humanity is responsible for their response to the opportunity to experience peace with God and others. And unfortunately, humanity often rejects the opportunity to experience peace with God and others as a result of our selfishness that chooses to love ourselves over God and others. And it is that selfish love over God and others that leads us to do things, often violent things, that hurt God and others. And it is that selfishness and rebellion against God and others that separates us from God and the relationship with God that we were created for.

Christmas is all about Jesus entering into humanity to be the agent of peace between God and rebellious humanity that selfishly rejected the relationship with God that we were created for. Christmas is about God responding to the history of violence that has marred and marked humanity throughout human history by sending His Son Jesus, who violently suffered at the hands of rebellious humanity after living the life we were created to live but refused to live, so that God the Father could treat us as though we lived the life of peace with God and others that Jesus lived. 

And we celebrate Christmas because Christmas provides the opportunity for every human being to experience peace, or a state of well being, with God and peace, or a state of well being, in our relationship with others, through Jesus life, death, and resurrection. Because, this is what Christmas is all about. Christmas is about the opportunity we have been given to experience peace with God and one another through His Son Jesus. 

So may we celebrate the reality that Christmas is all about Jesus entering into humanity to be the agent of peace between God and rebellious humanity that selfishly rejected the relationship with God that we were created for.  May we celebrate the reality that Christmas is all about God providing the opportunity for humanity to experience peace with God in the relationship with God that we were created for. And may we celebrate the reality that Christmas is all about God providing the opportunity for humanity to experience peace with one another as we live in the community with one another that we were created for…

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