Friday, August 4, 2017

An identity built for the fulfillment of God's mission in the world...

This week we have been looking at a section of a letter that the Apostle Peter wrote to early followers of Jesus, called the book of 1 Peter, where we discovered a timeless truth about how the power of the hope we have as followers of Jesus should impact our lives as followers of Jesus in that the hope we have in Jesus should lead to us embracing our identity as part of God’s kingdom community.

In 1 Peter 2:4-10, we see Peter reveal for us three different aspects of the kingdom community that should shape our identity as followers of Jesus. First, in 1 Peter 2:4-5, we see Peter reveal for us the reality that our identity as part of God's kingdom community is built on the foundation of Jesus. As the foundation, Jesus is the one who is life and who gives eternal life. As the foundation, Jesus was rejected by humanity as being unworthy to build their lives upon.

However, as the foundation, Jesus is viewed as being the best of the best by God. As the foundation, Jesus is viewed as being of great value and worth by God. And as followers of Jesus, our rescue from rebellion into relationship with God gives us a new identity as we are being built into a kingdom community by God. We are being built into a kingdom community that has eternal life with God and that is set apart and dedicated to the ministry and mission of God: A ministry that mediates between God and humanity so as to reveal and reflect Jesus to humanity: A ministry and mission that lives in a way that demonstrates that we view God as being of supreme value.

 Then, in 1 Peter 2:6-8, we see Peter reveal for us the reality that our identity as part of God's kingdom community is built on the foundation of God's promises and plan. God promised a rescuer that was worthy of trust and would not disappoint. And God's promise of a rescuer would be fulfilled regardless of response. Those who trust in God's promise will view Jesus as being worthy of honor and respect. Those who refuse to trust in Jesus will view Jesus as unworthy and reject Him.

However, their refusal to trust in Jesus does not change who Jesus is. Their refusal to trust in Jesus is based on stumbling over who Jesus claimed to be. Their refusal to trust in Jesus is based on rejecting Jesus message. And their refusal to trust in Jesus was anticipated, predicted, and brought to fulfillment as part of God's plan. Today, we see Peter conclude this section of his letter by revealing a third aspect of the kingdom community that should shape our identity as followers of Jesus. Let’s look at it together, beginning in 1 Peter 2:9-10:

 But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.

Here we see Peter make a sharp contrast between those who refuse to trust in Jesus and view Jesus as unworthy and reject Him with those who trust in Jesus and view Jesus as being worthy of honor and respect. For those who have trusted in Jesus and who are being built up as part of God’s kingdom community called the church, Peter explained that they now have a new identity as a part of God’s kingdom community. Peter reveals five different aspects of their new identity as a part of God’s kingdom community.

First, Peter explains that, as part of God’s kingdom community, followers of Jesus are a chosen race. Peter quoted from Isaiah 43:20-21, where Isaiah predicted, proclaimed and promised that God would deliver the Jewish people from captivity in the nation of Babylon. Peter quotes from the prophet Isaiah to reveal the reality, that, as followers of Jesus, we have been chosen by God to be delivered from captivity to selfishness and rebellion to be drawn into a relationship with God.

Second, Peter explained that, as part of God’s kingdom community, followers of Jesus are a royal priesthood. Peter quotes from a section of a letter in the Old Testament of the Bible called the book of Exodus, Exodus 19:5-6, to reveal the reality, that, as followers of Jesus, we have been dedicated, set apart, to serve in the royal reign of the kingdom of God as a part of the kingdom of God in a way that would mediate between God and the world.

Third, Peter explained that, as part of God’s kingdom community, followers of Jesus are a holy nation. Peter continued to quote Exodus 19:5-6, to reveal the reality that, as followers of Jesus, we have been dedicated, set apart, to serve in the ministry and mission of God by bringing the light of the kingdom of Heaven into dark spaces and places. Fourth, Peter explained that, as part of God’s kingdom community, followers of Jesus are a people for God’s own possession. Peter continued to quote Exodus 19:5-6 and Isaiah 43:20-21 to reveal the reality that, as followers of Jesus, we have been acquired by God through Jesus life, death, and resurrection to be God’s possession.

And fifth, Peter explained that, as part of God’s kingdom community, followers of Jesus are a people who have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light. In verse 10, Peter quotes from a section of a letter in the Old Testament of the Bible called the book of Hosea, Hosea 1:10 and 2:23, to reveal the reality that followers of Jesus have been rescued from our rebellion and into relationship with God for a reason. As followers of Jesus, we experience communion with God and community with others as a result of God’s mercy so that we would proclaim God’s mercy and rescue to others.

And it is here that we see Peter reveal for us the reality that our identity as part of God's kingdom community is built for the fulfillment of God's mission in the world. Our identity is based on God's gracious choice that places us into His kingdom community and in His mission for the world. Our identity sets us apart to serving God in the royal reign of God. Our identity sets us apart as the community of God on mission for God. Our identity sets us apart as being God's own possession. And our identity sets us apart to proclaim a life that reveals and reflects our rescue from moral and spiritual darkness into the light of God's kingdom community.

As followers of Jesus, we have been rescued from isolation from God to community with God. As followers of Jesus, we have been rescued to receive mercy from God. And we have been rescued from our rebellion and into a new kingdom community so that we would engage in the kingdom mission that we have been given by God to be the vehicle that He uses to reveal and reflect Jesus to the world as we bring the light of the kingdom of heaven in o the dark spaces and places of the world.

Because the timeless reality is that the hope we have in Jesus should lead to us embracing our identity as part of God’s Kingdom community. Our identity as part of God's kingdom community is built on the foundation of Jesus. Our identity as part of God's kingdom community is built on the foundation of God's promises and plan. And our identity as part of God's kingdom community is built for the fulfillment of God's mission in the world.

So here is a question to consider? Where are you trying to find your identity? How are you answering the question “Who am I?” And how have you answered the question “Who is Jesus?”...

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