Monday, August 6, 2012

Buy A Chair To Build HIS Church...

As a pastor, it has been both humbling and exciting to see all that God has done in and through City Bible Church these past two years. And as God has continued to expand the influence and impact that we have had in the community, we have seen our campus usage stretched to capacity, especially during our midweek Children and Student Ministry environments.

We have been blessed with a campus that is debt free. However, the largest room on our campus is only used for four hours a week, on Sunday mornings. In light of that reality, and in order to be better managers of the facilities that God has given us to use to advance His Kingdom, we are moving as a church to remove the pews from our sanctuary and replace them with chairs.

By replacing the pews with chairs, we will be able to use the sanctuary space to address the continued growth of our children's midweek ministry environment. This will also enable us to use the sanctuary for our Sunday evening worship gathering, called Connection Point, in order to handle the continued growth of that service while maintaining the unique format of Connection Point.

The additional flexibility that chairs provide will place us in a position to love and serve children, students, and their families as God continues to use C.B.C. as a "in a city" striving the reveal and reflect Christ as we love and serve the city.

The cost to purchase the chairs, along with other furniture that will enable us to continue to create environments where people can explore faith, grow in the faith, and experience genuine and authentic community, will be approximately $22,000.00. This money will be raised through the selling of the pews, which are in excellent condition, and through the generosity of the C.B.C. community of faith.

You can partner with us by, in addition to your regular giving, being a part of the "Buy a chair to build His church" campaign. You can simply write "Buy a chair to build His church" on your check or offering envelope, or denote that through your online giving.

As a church, we are excited to partner together in a way the reveals and reflects the generosity of Jesus. Our faith goal is that we would celebrate our Christmas Eve service in a sanctuary filled with people sitting in chairs instead of pews.

We look forward to what God is going to do in these upcoming months!!! 

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