This past Sunday,
followers of Jesus around the world gathered together to celebrate the closed
handed and non-negotiable center of the Christian faith, which is that Jesus
Christ, who is God in an bod, entered into humanity and allowed Himself to be
treated as though He lived our selfish and sinful lives so that God the Father
could treat us as though we lived Jesus perfect life by dying on a Roman cross,
was buried in a tomb dead as a door nail, and was brought back to life as a
result of God’s transforming activity on that first Easter Sunday.
And regardless
of whether or not you buy the whole Bible, Jesus, or church thing; regardless
of how often you have attended church in the past; regardless of the fact that
you may feel like you do not know and do not feel that you can ever know about
whether or not the Bible or church is real or relevant; regardless of all the
bad experiences that you may have had with Christians and churches, we all have
seen a cross attached to a building or around someone’s neck. We are all at
least somewhat familiar with the Easter story. We are at least somewhat
familiar with a garden, a courtyard, a hill with three crosses, a tomb guarded
by soldiers, an empty tomb found by women.
What was so
interesting about this Easter Sunday is that this year Easter fell on April 1st.
And in our culture, April 1st is not just any day; instead April 1st
is April fool’s day. Culturally, April 1st is a day where people
attempt to play practical jokes and spread hoaxes in hopes of fooling people.
On April fool’s day, some newspapers, magazines, and other media will report
fake stories, which are usually explained the next day or below the news
section in small letters. Those who fall victim to the practical jokes and
hoaxes are referred to as “April fools”.
And for some, that
is how you feel about what Christians celebrate on Easter. You may feel like
Easter is the biggest April fools hoax in history. And if we were to have a
conversation out in the courtyard coffeehouse, the conversation might sound
something like this: “well Dave how do we know that the resurrection is a
historical reality and not just a hoax? How do we know that the resurrection
wasn’t just a big lie? How do we know that what we celebrate on Easter isn’t
just on big April fools hoax?”
If those
questions are running through your mind, I just want to let you know that those
are great questions to be asking. And I want to let you know that you are not
the first person to be questioning whether or not Eater isn’t just one big
April fool’s hoax. As a matter of fact, in a section of a letter that is
recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible called the book of 1
Corinthians, we see a man named Paul, who persecuted early followers of Jesus
until he had an encounter with Jesus after He was raised from the dead, address
these very questions. So, let’s look at how the Apostle Paul addressed these
questions in 1 Corinthians 15:12-14:
Now if Christ is preached, that
He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no
resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even
Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching
is vain, your faith also is vain.
The Apostle
Paul begins this section of this letter that was addressed to a church that was
located in a city named Corinth, Greece, by confronting some of the members of
the church who were rejecting the reality of the resurrection of the dead. You
see, just like today, there were some members of the church that did not
believe that there was a literal resurrection of the dead. There were some
members of the church that believed that the resurrection of Jesus was an April
fool’s hoax.
Paul responded
to this situation by providing four results that would be the natural consequences
if the resurrection of Jesus was an April fool’s joke. First, Paul states that
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Jesus was not really raised from
the dead. And if Jesus has not been raised from the dead, Paul explains that
his preaching is vain and their faith also is vain.
In other
words, if Jesus was not raised from the dead; if the resurrection of Jesus was
just an April fool’s joke, then the message of the gospel and Christianity in
general is devoid of value and meaning. I mean, the whole point of Christianity
and the gospel is Jesus life, death, and resurrection, isn’t it? Paul then
reveals a second result that would be the natural result if
the message of a resurrected Jesus and an empty tomb was an April fool’s hoax
in verse 15-16:
Moreover we are even found to be false witnesses of God, because
we testified against God that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise, if in
fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ
has been raised;
Here we see Paul
explain that if the message of a resurrected Jesus and an empty tomb was an
April fool’s hoax, then they and all the other early church leaders were false
witnesses of God. If the tomb was not empty, Paul and other early followers of
Jesus would be revealed as liars and twisted manipulators who misrepresented
the nature and character of God by saying that He raised Christ from the dead
when He really didn’t. They were liars and manipulators because if there is no
resurrection of the dead, then Jesus is still dead.
Paul’s point
is that you can’t have one without the other; either there is a resurrection of
the dead for everyone, or there is no resurrection of the dead for anyone, even
Jesus Christ as God-in-a-bod who was 100% God and 100% human. Paul then reveals
a third result that would be the natural result if the message of a resurrected
Jesus and an empty tomb was an April fool’s hoax in verse 17:
and if Christ has not been
raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.
In this single
verse, we see Paul reveal for us the reality that if Jesus has not been raised from
the dead, then your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Paul’s
point here is that if the message of a resurrected Jesus and an empty tomb was
an April fool’s hoax, then all of humanity is still separated from God as a
result of their selfishness, rebellion, and sin. Now a natural question that
could arise here is “But why would that be?”
You see, the
resurrection from the dead provides the proof that God accepted Jesus
willingness to be treated as though He lived our selfish and sinful lives so
that He could treat us as though we lived Jesus perfect life. This morning, the
reality is that if Jesus was not raised from the dead, then we have not been
rescued from our selfishness and sin. For while there have been other people
who were brought back to life in the Bible, Jesus is different for two reasons.
First, Jesus
is the only person in the letter that make up the Bible who predicted that he
would die and be raised from the dead before the event actually happened. The
resurrection proves that Jesus was who He said He was as our Lord and Leader.
Second, while other people in the letter that make up the Bible were brought
back to life, they eventually died again. Jesus, however, was raised from the
dead never to die again.
The Christian faith
and our forgiveness is centered on the resurrection; without the resurrection Christianity
and our faith is devoid of any value to rescue and restore us to relationship
with God and one another. Paul then reveals a fourth result that would be the
natural result if the message of a resurrected Jesus and an empty tomb was an
April fool’s hoax in verse 18-19:
Then those also who have fallen
asleep in Christ have perished. If we have hoped in Christ in this life only,
we are of all men most to be pitied.
Paul explained that that if the message of a resurrected
Jesus and an empty tomb was an April fool’s hoax, then those who have believed,
trusted, and followed Jesus throughout history and who have died physically will
only experience eternal separation from God and an eternal sentence to hell. And
because of that reality, Paul explains in verse 19 that if we have placed our
confident trust in Jesus without the reality of the resurrection, then we are
of all men most to be pitied.
Now the word pitied here, in the language that this
letter was originally written in, literally means to be deserving of sympathy
for one’s pathetic condition. Paul’s point here is that if the message of a
resurrected Jesus and an empty tomb was an April fool’s hoax, we are pathetic.
We are pathetic because we have leveraged our lives for a lie.
So, Paul has basically argued that if the tomb wasn’t
empty; if what we celebrate on Easter is just one big April fool’s hoax, then followers
of Jesus are pathetic people who have either been deceived or are knowingly
deceiving others. But is that the case? Are followers of Jesus pathetic people
who have either fallen for an April fool’s hoax or who willingly perpetuate an
April fool’s hoax?
Friday, we will see Paul provide the answer to those
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