Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The desire for growing joy...

At the church where I serve we are spending our time together looking at a letter that was written by the Apostle Paul and that is recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible called the book of Philippians. And as we go through this letter, our hope and our prayer is to be able to answer the question "What is joy?" along with sharing the several timeless truths that the Apostle Paul found as he lived a life that was marked by joy.

This week, I would like for us to spend our time together picking up where we left off last week. And as we jump into the next section of this letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to early followers of Jesus while in prison facing the possibility of death that we will discover another timeless truth when it comes to finding joy. So let’s discover that timeless truth together, beginning in Philippians 2:1-2:

Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

The Apostle Paul begins this section of his letter with the word therefore. In other words, the Apostle Paul is basically saying “In light of all that I have said up to this point: In light of the reality that my joy is not tied to the circumstances of my imprisonment but is rooted in my ongoing connection with the gospel and a growing love of Jesus. In light of the reality that my joy is a mind-set that recognizes the eternal significance and impact that my circumstances are having when it comes to the advancement of the gospel. In light of the reality I have joy because I understand that it is Jesus who holds my future, regardless of my current circumstances. In light of all the reasons that I already have joy, I am commanding you to make my joy complete”.

Now when the Apostle Paul uses the word complete here, this word literally means to bring to completion that which already had begun.  You see, it was not that the Apostle Paul did not have joy. Instead the Apostle Paul wanted the joy that he was already experiencing in his life to grow in his life. Paul then explained that how the joy that he was already experiencing in his life would grow in his life was by the members of the church at Philippi “being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.”

Now to fully understand what the Apostle Paul is communicating here we first need to understand what each of these phrases mean. First, when Paul uses the phrase, being of the same mind, this phrase literally means to have the same opinion about something. In addition, when Paul talks about maintaining the same love, this simply means to keep the same love that the members of the church had for Paul and for one another.  The phrase united in spirit means to be in a state of harmony with one another. Finally, the phrase intent on one purpose, literally means to have the same thought process.

So Paul here is commanding the members of the church at Philippi to make his joy grow by living together as a community of faith in such a way that they were united in their heads, hearts, and hands when it came to living in community with one another and engaging in the kingdom mission that they had been given with one another. You see, the Apostle Paul could command followers of Jesus to make the joy that he was experiencing grow in his life because the Apostle Paul understood that joy grows as a result of the gospels activity in the life of a community of believers.

The Apostle Paul understood that we do not experience unity for unity’s sake. Instead, we experience unity because it is the message of the gospel that unites followers of Jesus in community and it is the message of the gospel that produces genuine and authentic community. And in the same way today, as followers of Jesus, our joy grows as we are united together in community. And it is the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel that brings unity in genuine and authentic community. That is why Paul said all that he said in verse one before he gave his command to the members of the church at Philippi in verse 2.

When Paul uses the phrase, if there is any encouragement in Christ, he is revealing for us the reality that the reason that our joy grows as we are united together in community is due to the fact that true unity is based on the mutual encouragement that we have as followers of Jesus as a result of our faith in Jesus. When Paul uses the phrase, if there is any consolation in love, he is revealing for us the reality that the reason that our joy grows as we are united together in community is due to the fact that true unity is based our mutual love for Jesus as followers of Jesus. When Paul uses the phrase, if there is any fellowship in the Spirit, he is revealing for us the reality that the reason that our joy grows as we are united together in community is due to the fact that true unity is based on the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence that connects us with Jesus and unites us in Jesus as a part of the body of Christ the church. And when Paul uses the phrase, if there is any affection and compassion, he is revealing for us the reality that the reason that our joy grows as we are united together in community is due to the fact that true unity is based on a mutual affection and concern for one another’s struggles.

A church does not just experience unity because they want to have unity. A church experiences unity because they are committed to live in community with one another that is centered on and that is committed to the message of the gospel and the kingdom mission that they have been given by Jesus.  And as followers of Jesus live in community with one another that is centered on and that is committed to the message of the gospel and the kingdom mission that we have been given by Jesus, the result is a growing joy.

Gospel centered community produces growing joy because gospel centered community is rooted in a growing connection to the message of the gospel and a growing love of Jesus. Gospel centered community produces growing joy because gospel centered community produces a mind-set that and a quality of life that takes the long view and recognizes the eternal significance and impact of the gospel and not our circumstances. Gospel centered community produces growing joy because the gospel advances past our circumstances and transcends time. But not only does joy grow as a result of being united together in gospel centered community. Paul reveals a second way that our joy grows as followers of Jesus in Philippines 2:3-4:

 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Here we see the Apostle Paul command the members of the church at Philippi to do nothing from selfishness of empty conceit. Paul here is commanding followers of Jesus throughout history to do nothing that is motivated by a desire to advance one’s own selfish agenda or to exaggerate one’s status in the eyes of others. Instead of being all about one’s own agenda and one’s own status in the eyes of others, Paul commanded the members of the church at Philippi to with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.

Now when Paul uses the word regard here, this word refers to engaging in an intellectual process that takes careful consideration of something. And what they were to regard, what they were to give careful consideration to, was that one another as more important than yourselves. The idea of more important here is the idea that someone or something is of greater value of quality. Paul’s point here is that as followers of Jesus, we are to consider those around us more than we consider ourselves. As followers of Jesus we are to place the needs of others before our own needs. That is why Paul uses the phrase humility of mind immediately before his command.

You see, when Paul uses the word humility, this word does not mean that we think less of ourselves. Instead, humility means that we think of ourselves less.  The point behind the Apostle Paul’s command is that, as followers of Jesus, we are to live in such a way that places others before ourselves. Paul reinforces this reality in verse 4 by commanding the members of the church at Philippi to “do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others”. Paul is basically saying to the early followers of Jesus “Do not be so focused on your agenda and your own status. Do not pay careful attention to only what is going on in your life. Make sure that you are also paying attention to what is going on in the lives of those who are around you. Put others before yourself so that you can leverage your life in way that makes the lives of others better”.

And it is here that we see that Apostle Paul reveal for us the reality that our joy grows when we consider others more important than ourselves. A trait of gospel centered unity is that those in gospel centered community consider others moiré important than themselves and place others before themselves. And just as it was for the members of the church at Philippi, as followers of Jesus, we consider others more important than ourselves when we rid ourselves of selfish ambition or exaggerated self examination. We consider others more important than ourselves when we humbly consider others more important than ourselves. We consider others more important than ourselves when we think of ourselves less and think of others more. And we consider others more important than ourselves when we not only pay attention to our own needs, but pay attention to the needs of others.,

Now right about now, you might be thinking to yourself “Well Dave that’s a lot to ask. Doesn’t Paul realize what he is asking? And how can Paul justify asking so much from me?” If those questions are running through your mind, I just want to let you know that those are fair questions and objections to be asking. And fortunately for us, we see the Apostle Paul address those questions and objections in what he says next.

Tomorrow, we will  look at what the Apostle Paul had to say next…

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