Friday, April 29, 2016

Sharing in the joy that comes from obedience...

This week, we have been looking at a section of a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to early followers of Jesus  that is recorded for us in our Bibles called the book of Philippians. And it is in this section of this letter that we have discovered the timeless truth that our joy grows when we respond to what Jesus has done for us by living in obedience to Him. In Philippians 2:12-18, we see the Apostle Paul reveal three different ways that our joy grows when we respond to what Jesus has done for us by living in obedience for Him. So far, we have discovered that our joy grows as our obedience provides the evidence of our salvation. As followers of Jesus, when we carry out the salvation that we have received from Jesus in such a way that results in submission and obedience to Jesus and the message and teachings of Jesus as One who is worthy of awe and reverence, we provide the evidence of our salvation for the world to see.
Second, we have seen the Apostle Paul reveal for us the reality that our joy grows because our obedience is the result of God’s ongoing activity in our lives. As followers of Jesus, God is actively at work in our lives to empower us with the desire to live our lives in way that follows the message and teachings of Jesus and that accomplish His purposes in a way that pleases Him. And God is actively at work in our lives as followers of Jesus to give us the desires and the ability to become more like Jesus as a result of the relationship we have with Jesus.
Third, the Apostle Paul revealed for us the reality that our joy grows as our obedience reveals and reflects Jesus to the world. As followers of Jesus, our obedience to Jesus is to be without any behind the scenes murmuring or any disputes that lead to disunity. As followers of Jesus, our obedience to Jesus results in us being blameless and purely innocent in the sight of others.
And as followers of Jesus, our obedience to Jesus results in us revealing our relationship as a child of God to the world around us. A relationship that is to be morally blameless in the midst of a morally bent and twisted world; a relationship that reveals and reflects Jesus to the world; a relationship that maintains a grasp on the message and mission of the gospel; A relationship that makes others proud when Jesus returns. A pride that one’s effort and work was not without result. Today, we see Paul conclude this section of his letter by addressing the current circumstances that he found himself in Philippians 2:17:
 But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all. You too, I urge you, rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me.
Paul uses a word picture of a sacrificial offering that would be conducted a part of the Jewish religious system to reveal the reality that regardless of how his current circumstances turned out, he would rejoice and he wanted to express the joy that he had over what God was doing in the lives of the members of the church at Philippi. Even if Paul was going to lose his life as a result of his imprisonment for proclaiming the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel, he would rejoice in the impact that the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel had in the lives of the members of the church at Philippi. Even if Paul lost his life, Paul would rejoice for their confident trust in Jesus. Even if he lost his life, Paul wanted the members of the church to rejoice with him for their confident trust in Jesus.
You see, Paul could experience growing joy in his life because his joy was not tied to his circumstances but transcended his circumstances. Paul could call the members of the church at Philippi to rejoice with him because Paul experienced an attitude of delight in life that took the long view of God’s activity in the lives of the members of the church at Philippi in spite of his current circumstances. The Apostle Paul understood that joy is a mind-set that produces a quality of life that recognized the eternal significance and impact that the obedience of the members of the church at Philippi revealed. Paul found an growing attitude of delight in life because Paul recognized that the obedience of the members of the church at Philippi provided the evidence of their salvation and the ongoing activity of God in their lives so that they would become more like Jesus in character and conduct and so that they would reveal and reflect Jesus to the world.
And in the same way today, our joy grows when we respond to what Jesus has done for us by living in obedience to Him. Our joy grows as our obedience provides the evidence of our salvation. Our joy grows because our obedience is the result of God’s ongoing activity in our lives. And our joy grows as our obedience reveals and reflects Jesus to the world.
So here is a question to consider: Are you still trying to experience joy by trying to earn God’s favor through your behavior? Are you still trying to find joy based on your performance for Jesus instead of the joy that flows out of your relationship with Jesus? Or are you responding to what Jesus has done for you by striving to live in obedience to His message and teaching?
Are you experiencing the growing joy that comes as a result of living in a growing and maturing relationship with Jesus? Are you experiencing the growing joy that comes as a result of your obedience to Jesus providing the evidence of your salvation by Jesus? Are you experiencing the growing joy that comes as a result of experiencing God’s activity in your life as you are used by God to reveal His Son Jesus to the world?
Because our joy grows when we respond to what Jesus has done for us by living in obedience to Him...

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