This week, we have been looking at the opening section of
a letter in the New Testament of the Bible called the book of Philippians,
where we see the Apostle Paul reveal for us a timeless
truth when it comes to finding joy and cultivated a life that is growing in joy
in that our joy is rooted in
our connection to the message of the gospel and a growing love of Jesus. We
talked about the reality that the Apostle Paul could talk about experiencing
joy because the Apostle Paul understood that joy was not tied to or connected
with one’s circumstances. The Apostle Paul understood that joy
is a mind-set that produces a quality of life and not just a fleeting emotion. And in Philippians 1:3-8, we see the Apostle Paul reveal
for us the reality that our joy is rooted in our connection to the gospel.
As followers of Jesus, our joy is
rooted and grounded in our ongoing connection to the claims of Christ and the
message of the gospel. A connection that is based on our rescue from our selfishness
and rebellion so that we can live in relationship with God and in genuine and
authentic community with others. A connection that is based on the certainty
that Jesus will finish what He has started. A connection that is based on our
partnership in God’s transformational intervention and activity in the world
with other followers of Jesus. A connection that results in an attitude of
delight in life that took the long view and that was driven by the love of
Jesus and not external circumstances.
we will see that not only is our joy rooted in our ongoing connection with the
message of the gospel. We see Paul reveal another root that produces joy in the
life of a follower of Jesus in Philippians 1:9-11:
And this I pray, that your love may abound
still more and more in real knowledge and
all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in
order to be sincere and blameless
until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the
glory and praise of God.
Here we see the Apostle Paul transition from expressing
his thanksgiving for the members of the church of Philippi to expressing his
prayer to God for the members of the church of Philippi. However, to fully
understand Paul’s prayer, we first need to define some terms. When Paul uses
the word abound here, this word simply means to grow.
In addition, the phrase “real knowledge” refers to a type
of knowledge that results in the recognition of something. The word discernment
describes the capacity to understand something. So Paul’s prayer, if
communicated in the language we use in our culture today, would have sounded
something like this: “My prayer for you is that your love for Jesus and others would
continue to grow as you grow in your capacity to recognize and wrap your mind
around the love of Jesus”. Paul then reveals two results that would occur in
the lives of the members of the church at Philippi as they grew in their
capacity to recognize and wrap their mind around the love of Jesus in verse
First, Paul prayed that the members of the church at
Philippi would grow in their love for Jesus and others “so that you may approve
the things that are excellent”. Now this little phrase, in the language that
this letter was originally written in, literally means to make a critical
examination to determine the genuineness of something that is most superior. So
Paul was praying that, as a result of having a growing love for Jesus and
others, the members of the church at Philippi would be able to recognize and
understand what is to be most important in their lives.
Second, Paul prayed that the members of the church at
Philippi would grow in their love for Jesus and others “in order to be sincere
and blameless until the day of Christ”. Now the word sincere conveys the sense
of purity of motives that is without hidden pretenses or agendas. In addition,
the word blameless refers to that which is undamaged. So Paul was praying that,
as a result of having a growing love for Jesus and others, the members of the
church at Philippi would live out a genuine and authentic relationship with
Jesus that was sincere and without guilt.
Then in verse 11, Paul reveals a third result that would
occur in the lives of the members of the church at Philippi as they gained the
capacity to recognize and wrap their mind around the love of Jesus. Paul prayed
that the members of the church at Philippi would grow in their love for Jesus and
others “having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through
Jesus Christ”. The phrase “fruit of righteousness" here is a church mumbo
jumbo talk phrase that refers to the right results that are produced in one’s
life as a result of living in right relationship with Jesus. So Paul was
praying that, as a result of having a growing love for Jesus and others, the
members of the church at Philippi would live a live that produces the right
results of a right relationship with Jesus.
Paul then concluded this opening section of his letter by
explaining that a growing love for Jesus and others that results in a life that
produces the right results that come as a result of a right relationship with
Jesus will bring glory and praise to God. A growing love for Jesus and others,
reveals a life that produces the results of a right relationship with Jesus
will enhance the reputation of God and bring admiration of God.
And in the same way today, our joy is rooted in a growing
love of Jesus that reveals and make much of Him. As we grow in our love of
Jesus and others, we will recognize and understand what is most important in
our lives. As we grow in our love of Jesus and others, we will live out a
genuine and authentic relationship with Him. Our increased capacity to
understand and wrap our minds around the love of Jesus will reveal a sincere
relationship with Jesus. And our increased capacity to understand and wrap our
minds around the love of Jesus will result in a relationship with Him that is
free of guilt. As we grow in our love of Jesus and others, our lives will
reveal the results of a right relationship with Jesus. And as we grow in our love
of Jesus and others, our lives will enhance the reputation of God and the
admiration of God.
So how have you been defining joy? Have you been defining
joy, like our culture, through the prism of emotion? Have you been viewing joy
as a matter of the heart? Have you viewed joy as being connected and tied to
your circumstances or as being the product of your circumstances?
Or have you been defining joy in a way that lines up with
the message and teachings of Jesus and the authors of the letters that make up
the Bible? Have you been defining joy,
like the Apostle Paul, through the prism of a mindset? Have you been defining
joy as an attitude of delight in life that takes
the long view and is not based, limited, or tied to external circumstances? Have
you viewed joy as a quality of life and not just a fleeting emotion?
the timeless reality is that our joy is
rooted in our connection to the gospel and a growing love of Jesus. Our joy is
rooted on our ongoing connection with the gospel. It is the gospel that
provides us the certainty that Jesus will finish what he started. And it is the
gospel that promotes a partnership in God’s transformational activity in the world.
And our joy is rooted in a growing love of Jesus that
reveals and makes much of Him. A growing love of love of Jesus that recognizes
and understands what is most important. A growing love of love of Jesus that
reveals a genuine and authentic relationship with Him. And a growing love of
love of Jesus that enhances the reputation of God and the admiration of God.
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