This week, we have been looking
at a section of a letter in the New Testament of the Bible called the book of
Ephesians. Wednesday, we saw the Apostle Paul reveal for us the timeless truth
that embracing our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage will lead
husbands to willingly embrace our leadership responsibilities.
Just as it was for the members of the church
at Ephesus, just as it has been for followers of Jesus throughout history, our
identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage leads husbands to willingly embrace
our leadership responsibilities.
We saw Paul reveal for us the
reality that Jesus never asks us to do something He has not already done. Jesus
died on the cross for your selfish rebellion and sin. And He was fully aware of
your rebellion when He selflessly and sacrificially loved you to the cross. And
He expects husbands to reflect that selfless and sacrificial love to your wife.
However, all men throughout
history have a tendency to be either cowards or chauvinists. That is why, as we
talked about three weeks ago, our identity as a follower of Jesus requires that
we live lives that are controlled and influenced by the Holy Spirit. In order
to live a life that reveals and reflects our identity as a follower of Jesus,
we must live lives that are controlled and influenced by the Holy Spirit,
because the timeless reality is that we are influenced by what influences us.
It is the Holy Spirit that empowers us to live in light of our identity as a
follower of Jesus.
Now, whether you are married or
single; whether you are a man or a woman; and you may be wondering “why does
God’s design for marriage even matter? What is the big deal?
I mean, why is it so important
that embracing our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage will lead
husbands to willingly embrace our leadership responsibilities? Why is it so
important that embracing our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage will
lead wives to willingly embrace and place themselves under a husband’s godly
leadership? Sure maybe my marriage does not function like the Bible teaches,
but things are o.k.”
If those are some of the
thoughts that are running through your mind, I just want to let you know that
those are fair questions to be asking. We
see Paul answer these questions by pointing to a second parallel that is
revealed by God’s design and purpose for marriage, beginning in Ephesians 5:31:
Here Paul is quoting Genesis
2:24, which describes the marriage relationship and the intimacy that the one
flesh marriage relationship should experience. As we talked about last week,
Adam and Eve were able to be totally transparent and vulnerable with one
another. They were united in a one flesh relationship physically, spiritually,
and emotionally as a result of their love for God and one another that viewed
one another with equal value and worth.
Yet while Adam and Eve had
equal value and worth in God’s creation, they had different roles and responsibilities
to fulfill. Adam was to exercise the role and responsibility as first among
equals by lovingly leading, providing, and protecting Eve. And Eve was to
lovingly coming under and following Adam’s leadership in a way that allows for
her spiritual growth and good. But notice what Paul states next in verse 32:
This mystery
is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.
Now when Paul uses the word
mystery here, this word refers to is a timeless truth about God and His Divine
Plan that was once hidden, but now has been made known through Christ. This
once hidden timeless truth about God, according to Paul is of utmost
importance. He then proclaims exactly what this great mystery that has now been
made known is: but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.
You see, here’s the thing: the
reason why the health of you marriage is so important in God’s eyes; the reason
why God has a divine design for the roles that men and women are to have within
a marriage relationship; is that marriage has been divinely designed by God to
be a picture on earth of the intimacy that we will have for all eternity with Jesus.
Marriage was designed by God to be a word picture to the world of the
vulnerability, the transparency, and the intimacy that followers of Jesus will
experience for all eternity with Him.
So when we choose to reject, to
rebel, to pushback against God’s design when it comes to the roles and
responsibilities that men and women have in marriage, we end up portraying a
false picture of the relationship that we were designed to have with God for
all eternity. That is why God hates divorce.
God hates divorce because
divorce mars and misrepresents the eternal covenant relationship that Jesus has
with His followers. The covenant relationship that Jesus selflessly and
sacrificially died for; the same selfless and sacrificial love that Paul
commands husbands to love their wives with.
You see, God desires that our marriages experience a glimpse of the
intimacy that we will experience for all eternity with Jesus.
But to experience that intimacy
requires following God design when it comes to the roles and responsibilities
we have as men and women in marriage, which is why Paul concludes this section
of this letter the way he does in Ephesians 5:33:
each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the
wife must see to it that she
respects her husband.
In other words, what is important and what is the point
of the past two weeks is that husbands and wives faithfully live out their day
to day lives in light of their identity as a follower of Jesus. Husbands are to
embrace their our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage in a way that
will lead them to willingly embrace our leadership responsibilities. Wives are
to embrace their identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage in a way that will
lead wives to willingly embrace and place themselves under a husband’s godly
Now here is the question this morning: Who has the harder
role and responsibility when it comes to marriage, the husband or the wife? The
answer is both. I don’t know about you, but I find these two weeks to be
incredibly challenging. It is hard for a wife to willingly place themselves
under the leadership of their husbands in a way that follows their leadership
in a marriage relationship. And it is hard for a husband to exercise a role of
leadership and authority as first among equals by lovingly leading, providing,
and protecting his wife as Christ loved the church.
That is why it is so important
that our relationships be controlled and influenced by the Holy Spirit’s power,
because our relationships are influenced by what influences us. And, as we have
seen, the embracing of our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage has
profound implications for our relationship with God.
Because the timeless reality is
that embracing our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage will lead wives
to willingly embrace and place themselves under a husband’s godly leadership.
And embracing our identity as a follower of Jesus in marriage will lead
husbands to willingly embrace our leadership responsibilities.
What about a wife who chooses to leave and lead as sinful a life as possible? Christ died for the church,are husbands expected to sacrifice everything for a wife who cares not,and doesn't believe in marriage anymore? Paul also said if a non believer leaves,let them go,where do we draw the line?