Tuesday, October 29, 2019

True community and connection with Jesus will respond to God’s love by loving God and others...

Today, I would like to picking up where we left off last week, when we were looking at a section of this letter that has been preserved and recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible, called the book of 1 John. Last week we discovered a timeless truth when it comes to connecting in true community in that true community and connection with Jesus is revealed by our response to God’s love. And in 1 John 4:15-21, we will see John reveal three different ways that true community and connection with Jesus will respond to God’s love.

First, in 1 John 4:15-16, we see John reveal for us the reality that true community and connection with Jesus responds to God’s love by remaining connected with God in love. Then, in 1 John 4:17-18 we discovered that true community and connection with Jesus responds to God’s love by rejecting the fear of final judgment.

We discovered that the person who remains in true community and connection with Jesus will respond to the love of God by becoming like Jesus and loving like Jesus. And as a result of becoming like Jesus and loving like Jesus as a result of remaining in community and connection with Jesus, that love will expel and cast out the slavish fear of punishment that can enslave humanity when  it comes to standing before God to give an account for how they lived their lives.

True community and connection with Jesus rejects the fear of final punishment because true community and connection with Jesus produces a true understanding of the love of God. True community and connection with Jesus rejects the fear of final punishment because true community and connection with Jesus produces a life that looks like Jesus and that loves like Jesus. True community and connection with Jesus rejects the fear of final punishment because true community and connection with Jesus produces a life of spiritual maturity where the love of God drives out and expels the fear of punishment by God.

Today we will see John conclude this section of his letter by revealing a third way that true community and connection with Jesus will respond to God’s love. So let’s discover that third way together, in 1 John 4:19-21:

We love, because He first loved us. 20 If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. 21 And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.

In verse 19, we see John remind the readers of his letter throughout history of a powerful and sobering truth: We love, because He first loved us. John is reminding the reader of his letter that they did not take the initiative to enter into a loving relationship with God. Instead it was God who took the initiative to pursue and rescue rebellious humanity so that they could have an opportunity to enter into a loving relationship with God.

John is revealing the reality that our love for God is a response to the love of God that He initiated toward us. The only reason we love God is because God took the initiative to love us. If God had not taken the initiative to lovingly pursue and rescue us, we would still be in hostility and opposition to God.

John reinforced this reality by making a powerful statement in the first part of verse 20: “If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar;”.  John’s statement, if communicated in the language we use in our culture today would have sounded something like this: If anyone claims to have a warm regard and interest in God that is marked by a selflessness in their relationship with God but hates and detests other people, that person is a flat out liar.

John then provides the reason behind his sharp accusation in the rest of verse 20: “for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” In other words, John is basically saying if you are unwilling to demonstrate a warm regard and interest in those who are right in front of you so as to place them before yourself, who you see and have the opportunity to do so on a daily basis, then you cannot demonstrate that warm regard and interest in God, who you have not seen.

John here is hammering home the reality that we demonstrate our love for God by how we love and treat others. The timeless reality is that every human being is created in the image of God and bears the very thumbprint of God on their lives. And because of that reality, we reveal and reflect our love for God by how we love those around us. If we have a strong hatred to those around us who bear the image of God, we demonstrate that we have a strong hatred to God. The person who does not love his brother, who was created in the image of God and who he has seen, cannot possibly love God whom he has never seen.

John’s point is that followers of Jesus demonstrate the depth of their connection with the invisible God by how they treat the visible around them. John’s point is that the result of a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus is that God’s transforming love will produce love for those around them. John reinforces this reality in verse 21 by reminding them of the reality that “And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.”

John is reminding the readers of this letter that the commands and demands of Jesus find its true expression through the life of Jesus and through the life of followers of Jesus as they remain connected to God as they are mystically and spiritually united with Jesus. In other words, what it looks like to live a life of obedience to the commands and demands of Jesus is revealed by the life of Jesus and the life of followers of Jesus as they faithfully live in obedience to the commands in a close connection with Jesus. And one of the most powerful of these commands by Jesus is that followers of Jesus are to love God supremely and love others sacrificially.

And it is here that John reveals for us the reality that true community and connection with Jesus responds to God’s love by loving God and others. The person who remains in true community and connection with Jesus will respond to the love of God by demonstrating that love in how they love and treat others. The person who remains in true community and connection with Jesus will respond to the love of God by loving God supremely and loving others sacrificially, because we show our love for God by how we love others. The timeless reality is that a person who is living in a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus cannot hate those who Jesus died for.

And because of that reality, here is a question to consider: What does the way you love and treat others reveal about your relationship and connection with Jesus? Does the way you treat others reflect a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus? Do you show your love for God by how you love others? Or do you reveal the reality of your lack of relationship and connection with Jesus by your lack of love for others?

Is your life characterized by a fear of what will happen to you at the end of your life? If the answer to that question is yes, then why are you afraid? Is it possible that the fear you are experiencing is the result of the things that you have done to hurt God and hurt others, which the Bible calls sin? Is it possible that you are experiencing fear because you do not have a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with God through believing, trusting, and following Jesus as your Lord and our leader?

Because, as we discovered, true community and connection with Jesus is revealed by our response to God’s love. True community and connection with Jesus responds to God’s love by remaining connected with God in love. True community and connection with Jesus responds to God’s love by rejecting the fear of final judgment. And true community and connection with Jesus responds to God’s love by loving God and others…

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