Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"How do I know that I am truly living in community and connection with Jesus?”

At the church where I serve we are in the middle of a sermon series entitled Connect. During this series, we are looking at a letter that is recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible, called the book of 1 John. During this series, we are going to discover the components that make for true connection and community. During this series, we are going to discover the landmines and roadblocks that keep us from true connection and community. And as we go through this series, our hope and our prayer is that God would move by the power of the Holy Spirit in our heads, hearts, and hands, in a way that moves us to the place where we can experience the connection and community with God and one another that we were created and designed to experience. 

Now this week I would like for us to spend our time together picking up where we left off last week. And as we jump into the next section of this letter that has been preserved and recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible, called the book of John, we will see John reveal for us another timeless truth when it comes to how we can experience the connection and community with God and one another that we were created and designed to experience. So let’s jump into the next section of this letter together, beginning in 1 John 3:19-20:

We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him 20 in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things.

Now to fully understand what John is communicating in this statement, we first need to understand the context in which John is making this statement. As we talked about earlier in this series, there were some people who had left the church at Ephesus and were trying to influence others to leave the church at Ephesus.

There were some people who had attend the church at one time, but had left the church, who were claiming that you could have close connection with God while living their day to day lives in a way that is marked by moral and spiritual darkness as a result of selfishness and rebellion against God. There were some people who had attend the church at one time, but had left the church, who were proclaiming that one could have close connection with God while living a life that was in disobedience to the commands and demands of God.

Two weeks ago, we saw John reveal for us the reality that the lifestyle we are committed to living reveals who we are committed and connected to. John pointed out that because children tend to take on the characteristics and character of their parents, no one who is born of God engages in a lifestyle that is committed to selfishly rebelling against God and others.

And because of the timeless principle that the lifestyle we are committed to living reveals who we are committed and connected to, last week John revealed the timeless truth that true connection and community with God produces a life that loves as Jesus loved. John explained that those who demonstrate a lifestyle that is driven by a warm regard and interest in others that is marked by a selflessness in their relationship with others provide the evidence that they are living in true connection and communion with God. By contrast, those who does not live a lifestyle that demonstrates a warm regard and interest in others that is marked by a selflessness in their relationship with others reveals the reality that they still remain separated from God as a result of their rebellion against God. is life for us

Now with that context in mind, John begins this section of his letter by explaining to the members of the church at Ephesus, and followers of Jesus throughout history, that they will know by their lifestyle that loves others as Jesus loved that they are of the truth. John’s point is that followers of Jesus will be able to arrive at a knowledge that they living in true community and connection with Jesus as a result of a lifestyle that loved as Jesus loved and that was in line with the message and teaching of Jesus as an ongoing reality in their life.

John then explained that such a lifestyle that loved as Jesus loved “will assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us”. But what does that mean? When John refers to heart here, this word refers to the center and seat of our emotions and desires. John’s point here is that there are times where a follower of Jesus may feel a conviction in the core of their being that they are not living in true community and connection with Jesus.

And it is in those times that the question becomes “How do I know? How can I be at a place of ease or rest in the core of my being that I am truly living in community and connection with Jesus?” John here is revealing the reality is that the answer to that question can be found in the lifestyle that one has committed to living.

The person whose lifestyle is driven to love as Jesus loved and that is in line with the message and teaching of Jesus provide the evidence that they are living in true community and connection with Jesus. And that lifestyle provides the evidence to put one’s hearts at ease when it comes to whether or not they are truly connected to Jesus.

John’s point is that the center and seat of a person’s emotions and desires will move from the place of conviction and condemnation to the place of ease and rest when confronted with the evidence of a genuine and authentic connection with Jesus that is produced by a lifestyle that loves like Jesus loved. We see John reinforce this reality in what he has to say next. So let’s look at what John has to say next, in verses 21-22:

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; 22 and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.

Once again, we see John use a term of endearment to encourage the members of the church at Ephesus, who he cared very deeply for, that if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God. You see, John wanted the members of the church at Ephesus to clearly understand that when the center and seat of a person’s emotions and desires moves from the place of conviction and condemnation to the place of ease and rest when confronted with the evidence of a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus that produces a lifestyle that loves like Jesus loved, the result is confidence before God. A confidence that comes as a result of experiencing the evidence of a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus.

And that confidence, that boldness, John explained results in the reality that whatever we ask we receive from Him. John’s point is that the reality of a genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus will produce a confidence and boldness to approach God in prayer, believing that we will receive what we ask for in prayer. John then provides the reason why followers of Jesus can have such boldness and confidence to approach God in prayer, believing that we will receive what we ask for in prayer: because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.

Now to fully understand what John is saying here, we first need to define some terms. As we discovered earlier in this series, when John uses the word keep here, this word literally means to persist in obedience. In addition, when John uses the word commandments, he is referring to the commands and demands of Jesus that are contained in the message and teaching of Jesus. Finally, when John uses the phrase do the things that are pleasing in His sight, this phrase refers to carrying out an obligation of a moral or social nature.

John’s point to the members of the church at Ephesus, and followers of Jesus throughout history, is that the reason why followers of Jesus can have boldness and confidence to approach God in prayer, believing that we will receive what we ask for in prayer, is due to the fact that we are living in genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus that is evidenced by our obedience to the commands of Jesus. The reason why followers of Jesus can have boldness and confidence to approach God in prayer, believing that we will receive what we ask for in prayer is due to the fact that we are living in genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus that is evidenced by our desire to live a life that is pleasing Jesus and that makes much of Jesus.

John here is pointing followers of Jesus throughout history to the very message that he received firsthand from Jesus in an event from history that is recorded for us in the account of Jesus life that he wrote. Tomorrow we will look at that event from history together… 

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