Friday, April 5, 2019

Inviting people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus requires that we strive to expose the motives of the heart...

This week we are looking at an event from history that is recorded in a section of an account of Jesus life in the Bible called the gospel of Luke. We looked on as Luke gave us a front row seat to this event from history by revealing the reality that Jesus continued his previous confrontation with a group of self righteous religious leaders by telling a parable. In this parable, there are two characters. The first character was a rich man, who represented God. The second character was a manager, who represented a member of the crowd, and us here today. Jesus used this parable, this earthly story, to reveal the reality that those who are His followers will demonstrate the proof of their faith and their relationship with Him by how trustworthy they are in handling the money, possessions, and treasure of this world.

Jesus challenged the crowds listening to be as wise about our spiritual future as those who are focused on the things of this world are about their financial future. Jesus then explained that when it comes to how we handle the money possessions, and treasure we have been given, the issue is not about the amount of money, possessions, and treasure. Jesus point was that the reason that we are in the financial situation that we are currently in, whether good or bad, is due to how we have managed the money, possessions, and treasure that we have been given.

Just adding more money to the problem does not solve the problem, because the problem is not a lack of money; the problem is a lack of faithfulness with the money that we have been given. Jesus point here is that if we are unfaithful, we are unfaithful; whether it is with $10, $100, or $1,000,000. After exposing the problem, Jesus continues by explaining the implications that the level of our faithfulness with money, possession, and treasure can have on our relationship with God in Luke 16:11-12:

"Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you? "And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?

In these verses, Jesus reveals for us the reality that how we handle money, possessions, and treasure here on earth impacts the depth of our relationship with God and our spiritual maturity. Jesus used two rhetorical questions to hammer His point home. First, in verse 11, Jesus asked “if you have been unfaithful in the use of unrighteous wealth, then who will entrust true riches to you?” Jesus was not looking for the disciples to answer the question, because the answer to the question was obvious.

Jesus point is that if we are unable to demonstrate faithfulness with the temporary treasure that we are given while on earth, which Jesus described as a very little thing in verse 10, then we will be unable to demonstrate faithfulness with the vastly greater spiritual treasure, such as mercy, justice, and faithfulness in our relationships with others, that flows out of a growing and maturing relationship with Him. And so we can find ourselves in a place where we are not growing spiritually in our relationship with Jesus because Jesus is not going to give to us the true spiritual treasure that flows out of a growing and maturing relationship with Him if we fail to demonstrate faithfulness with the temporary things of this earth, including money, possessions, and treasure.

And to hammer His point home, Jesus asked a second rhetorical question in verse 12: “If you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?” Again, Jesus is not looking for an answer, because the answer is painfully apparent. Jesus point is that if we are unfaithful with someone else’s treasure, we prove to be unworthy of being given anything of our own. Could it be that the reason why we do not possess what should be ours as a result of our relationship with Jesus, such as the goodness, brotherly kindness, and love that flows from a right relationship with the Lord is not ours to possess because we are not faithful with what He has given us materially and financially?

Jesus point is that our spiritual lives and our relationship with God stagnates and suffers when we fail to be faithful with what He gives us materially and financially. Jesus makes that point unmistakably clear as He concluded His explanation of this parable in verse 13:

"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."

Jesus made it clear that we cannot faithfully serve two masters. When Jesus uses the word serve, He is referring to someone who acts in total allegiance and total commitment to someone or something. Jesus point is that you cannot be totally and faithfully committed to two differing options. Jesus is reminding His followers that we cannot serve God and money because we will only be faithful to what we are devoted to.

The timeless reality is that God and money, possessions, and treasure compete for our total devotion. You will either be totally devoted to God, or you will be totally devoted to money, possessions, and treasure. Jesus point is that how we manage the treasure that we have been given reveals who or what we place our faith and trust in. And the level of faithfulness that we demonstrate when it comes to managing the temporary treasure that we have while on earth serves to provide the proof and reveal the depth of our faith. Luke then revealed how the Pharisees and scribes responded to Jesus parable in verse 14-15:

Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things and were scoffing at Him. 15 And He said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.

Luke explained that the Pharisees responded to Jesus by scoffing at Him. What is so interesting is that the word scoffing here, in the language that this letter was originally written in, is a word picture of someone holding up their nose in disdain of another. These self righteous religious leaders sneered at Jesus with contempt for Jesus. Luke then revealed the reason for their harsh response to Jesus was due to the fact that they were lovers of money. And because they were lovers of money, Jesus parable exposed that reality for all to see by how they responded to Jesus.

Jesus then exposed the Pharisees to the fact that they had been exposed: "You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.” You see the Pharisees, while attempting to make themselves look like they were right with God in the sight of men, had exposed the reality that, in their heart of hearts, they served and worshiped money instead of God. And while their worship of money may have resulted in them receiving honor and respect among men, their worship of money was repugnant in the sight of God. And because of that reality, the Pharisees were exposed as having need to be rescued from their rebellion as a result of the motives of their heart being exposed for all to see.

And it is here, in this earthly story designed to reveal a deeper spiritual truth, that we discover a timeless truth when it comes to following the example of Jesus by inviting those who are far from Jesus to follow Jesus and live in relationship with Jesus. And that timeless truth is this: Inviting people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus requires that we strive to expose the motives of the heart. In order to invite people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus, we must strive to help those that we are inviting to follow Jesus see the motives of the heart that drive their lives.

Inviting people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus requires that we strive to help uncover the secret motives of the heart in a way that exposes their need to trust and follow Jesus.  As followers of Jesus, we are to strive to lovingly engage those who are far from Jesus in a way that helps them see the motives that are driving their lives away from Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we are to strive to lovingly engage those who are far from Jesus in a way that helps them see where the motives that are driving their lives are driving them to, so that they can see their need to turn from those motives and turn toward Jesus.

As followers of Jesus, we are to strive to lovingly engage those who are far from Jesus in a way that helps them to be as wise about their spiritual future as they are about their financial future. And to do that, as followers of Jesus, we must strive to expose the motives of their heart that drive the decisions that they make about their spiritual and financial futures. As followers of Jesus, we are to strive to expose the motives of the heart that drive their behavior by asking great questions that expose the motives of the heart. Questions like “Tell me more why you believe that? Why did you decide to do that? What drove you to decide that?’

And inviting people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus requires that we speak clearly about what how our culture views and handles money, possessions, and treasure without denouncing and condemning the culture. You see, instead of denouncing and condemning the culture, Jesus used the way that the culture handled money, possessions, and treasure as a way to invite people to turn from their rebellion against Him to instead follow Him.  Jesus used the way that the culture outside the church operated to challenge and judge who considered themselves insiders, not condemn those who were outsiders. Because this morning, the timeless reality is that inviting people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus requires that we strive to expose the motives of the heart.

So here is a question to consider: Are you willing to lovingly engage those who are far from Jesus in a way that helps them see the motives that are driving their lives? Are you willing to ask those who are far from Jesus why they do what they do so that they might come face to face with what motives are driving them to do what they do? Are you willing to speak clearly about what or how our culture views or does things without denouncing or condemning culture so that those who are far from Jesus would be able to see what motives are driving their life when it comes to culture? 

Because inviting people to follow Jesus in a way that follows the example of Jesus requires that we strive to expose the motives of the heart…

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