Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reflections on Mother's Day

In many ways, one of the most misunderstood women in the Bible is Mary, the mother of Jesus. While some streams of the Christian faith venerate her to the point of being an idol, other streams, like the one that I serve in, tend to minimize the impact of her life on history.

Mary was a teenage girl who was asked by God to trade in her hopes and dreams for a life of scorn and ridicule as the mother of "God in a bod"- Jesus. Mary responded to the prospect of losing her reputation, friends, and the life that she dreamed of, with humility, integrity, and faithfulness to the kingdom mission she was given.

While the Bible never tells us to elevate Mary to a place of worship and adoration, Mary is an amazing example of a mother who humbly and willingly sacrificed her hopes and dreams so that she could be the vehicle that God used to enter into the world to rescue humanity who had rebelled against Him.

So this Mother's Day, may we celebrate the influence and impact that mothers have in our lives. And may we celebrate the example that Mary provides us of how to live humbly, faithfully, and obediently in relationship with God.

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