As Julie and I celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary, we rejoice in all that God has done in and through our lives together. As I reflect on the journey that we have had together, several thoughts come to mind:
Marriage is where one best experiences God's other-centered love. The best definition of Biblical love that I have hear is "giving someone what they need the most when they deserve it the least". During our 17 years together, there have been many times where Julie has done just that for me, and I am so grateful, which leads me to...
Marriage is where we best experience and express love. It is in the covenant commitment of marriage that provides the best arena to express and experience love. It is within the lifetime commitment of marriage that we can truly be vulnerable, transparent, and secure in our expression of love. I rejoice in the 17 years of love that I have experienced with Julie. I also rejoice in the opportunity that God has given us to expand our loving relationship through the gift of our daughter Rachel. Which leads me to...
Marriage is what best expresses God's faithful devotion. Marriage was Divinely designed by God to reflect the covenant relationship that He has with His people (Ephesians 5:25-32). Marriage provides a picture of the commitment that God has to His followers, regardless of their performance. I rejoice in the faithful devotion that Julie and I have toward one another through 17 years of incredible highs and painful lows; through incredible career and geographic transitions; through life and death, sickness and health.
So today, I rejoice in God's gift of marriage and my 17 years with Julie. It is the covenant commitment of marriage that reflects God's commitment to His followers and creates the space and security to best experience and express His love through others.
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