Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Kingdom of Heaven is patient… to a point.

Last week we were looking at an event from history where Jesus began to tell a parable about the kingdom of Heaven to the large crowds that were following Him. In this parable, Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to a man who sowed good seed in his field. Jesus explained that after the seed was sown, an enemy of the man who owned the field sowed tares in the midst of the wheat that he had planted.

 Jesus then explained that the slaves, upon seeing what was happening in the field, reported to the owner what they had discovered and asked permission to go into the field and remove the weeds. Jesus continued His parable by stating that the landowner responded to the slaves request by explaining to his slaves that they needed to allow these dangerous weeds to remain growing alongside the wheat until it was time for the harvest.

The owner explained to his slaves that at the harvest, after both the weeds and the wheat were removed from the ground, the reapers would be directed to separate the wheat from the weeds. After separating the weeds from the wheat, the reapers would be directed by the landowner to gather up the weeds to be burned. Then the reapers would be able to complete the harvest by safely placing the wheat into the landowner’s barn.

You see, while it is virtually impossible to differentiate between the wheat and tare as they grew, at harvest, when both plants reached maturity, a difference emerged. The ears of wheat, which is where the fruit of the plant is produced, would become so heavy that the entire plant would end up drooping downward, while the tare would remain upright. Here is a picture of the two at harvest.

In addition, at harvest time, the wheat would have a brown appearance when ripe, while the tare would be black. And by the time of the harvest the wheat plant would be sufficiently mature and strong enough not to be destroyed by the uprooting of the tares, which would not have been the case if the slaves would have went in earlier to attempt to remove these weeds. So at harvest time, there would be a distinction that would allow for the safe harvest of the valuable grain and the destruction of the dangerous tares.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, well that’s a great agricultural story, but what does that have to do with the kingdom of heaven? What is the deeper spiritual meaning that we are supposed to apply to our lives? If I have just described what is running through your mind, I just want to encourage you. I want to encourage you because, just a few verses later in this event from history, we see the disciples, ask Jesus the very same questions, beginning in Matthew 13:36. Let’s look at it together:

Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field."

Matthew tells us that after telling this series of parables, these earthly stories designed to reveal a deeper spiritual truth, He left the large crowds and returned to the home where He was staying. The disciples, however, followed Jesus home perplexed at this how seemingly obvious agricultural story had anything to do with the kingdom of Heaven And in their perplexed state, the disciples asked Jesus “Explain to us the parable of the tares in the field.” Matthew then recorded Jesus response in verse 37-43. Let’s look at Jesus response together:

 37 And He said, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, 38 and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels. 40 "So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. 41 "The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, 42 and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 "Then THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.

Matthew tells us that Jesus began to answer His disciples’ question by revealing to the disciples who the characters in the parable represented. Jesus explained that He was represented in the parable by the landowner, while the field represented the world. Jesus then contrasted the two types of seed. Jesus explained that the good seed, which is the wheat, represented those who accepted the claims of Jesus Christ and the message of the gospel by believing, trusting and following Him as Lord and Leader, which resulted in them having experienced the forgiveness of sin and had entered into the relationship with God that they were created for in the kingdom of heaven. 

By contrast, Jesus explained that the tares, or the weeds, represented those who have rejected the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus then identified those who reject the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven as being sons of the evil one that were placed there by the devil.

Jesus point here was that those who have rejected the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven have chosen, either consciously or unconsciously, to align themselves with those in the world who are hostile to God and who have set themselves up in opposition to God and His kingdom. As a result, they were sons of the devil in the sense that they have aligned and identified themselves with the same opposition to God and His kingdom as the devil has. And as such, these people were instruments that the devil would use in an attempt to destroy the kingdom of heaven and Jesus kingdom mission here on earth to provide the opportunity for all of humanity to enter into the relationship with God that they were created for.

Jesus then explained to the disciples that the harvest represented the end of God’s story here on earth, when Jesus will return with His angels to earth to achieve the final victory and judgment over selfishness, sin, death and the devil and usher in the kingdom of Heaven in its fullest sense. And as part of His final victory and judgment over selfishness, sin, death and the devil; as part of ushering in the kingdom of Heaven in its fullest sense, Jesus explained that His angels, who were represented by the reapers in the parable, will first gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks and those who commit lawlessness.

And just like the weeds in the parable, all of those who were stumbling blocks to the advancement of the kingdom of heaven as a result of their opposition to the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, all of those who rejected the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel and the kingdom of Heaven; all those who either passively or actively rebelled against the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven will be revealed for what they truly are and will experience the eternal separation from God and punishment in hell. When Jesus referred to weeping and gnashing of teeth, He is painting a word picture to describe the response that those who have rejected the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven will have to the punishment that they will experience for all eternity in hell.

By contrast, Jesus explained that for those who are members of the kingdom of heaven as a result of believing, trusting and following Jesus as Lord and Leader, they will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. With this phrase, Jesus was pointing His disciples to a section of a letter that is recorded for us in the Old Testament of the Bible, called the book of Daniel. In Daniel 12:3, we see the prophet Daniel a little over 500 years prior to the birth of Jesus, describe the resurrection of those who were right with God and their entrance into the kingdom of heaven.

And it is in this earthly story designed to reveal a deeper spiritual truth that we discover a timeless truth about the kingdom of Heaven. And that timeless truth is that the Kingdom of Heaven is patient… to a point. The timeless reality is that just as if was for the disciples, there will be people in the world who respond to the message of Jesus and the message of the kingdom of heaven by rejecting that message.

Some will violently oppose the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven in a very overt and obvious way. Others will violently oppose the message of the Jesus and the kingdom of heaven in such a way that their day to day lives will look virtually indistinguishable from those who have enthusiastically embraced the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven. And those who violently oppose the message of the kingdom of heaven will live right alongside those who enthusiastically embrace the message of the kingdom of heaven until the day that Jesus returns to earth to usher in the kingdom of Heaven in its fullest sense. And the timeless reality is that God will continue to allow this to happen because the kingdom of heaven is patient, to a point.

The kingdom of heaven is patiently waiting until the end of God’s story here on earth. The kingdom of heaven is patiently waiting as God uses the church as the vehicle to reveal His Son Jesus to the lost, hurting, and broken world around us. The kingdom of heaven will patiently allow the devil to attempt to derail and destroy Jesus and His kingdom mission through self-righteous religious people who do not have a relationship with Jesus who serve as stumbling blocks to the kingdom.

The kingdom of heaven will patiently allow the devil to attempt to derail and destroy the kingdom through those who violently oppose Jesus and persecute His people.  The kingdom of heaven will patiently allow the devil to attempt to derail and destroy the kingdom through those whose lives look no different from members of the kingdom of heaven, yet fail to bear the fruit that results from being a member of the kingdom of Heaven. The kingdom of heaven will be patient, until the time of patience is over.

Now you may be wondering, “But why is the kingdom of heaven so patient?” The kingdom of heaven is patient, because God is so gracious. God, in His grace, desires to give all of humanity an opportunity to respond to His offer of forgiveness through His Son Jesus by believing, trusting and following Jesus as Lord and leader. The kingdom of heaven is so patient, to a point, because, in God’s perfect timing, He will usher in the kingdom of heaven in its fullest sense at Jesus second coming.

And at that time, all of humanity will be exposed for who they truly are. And at that point, those who have rejected the message of Jesus and the kingdom of heaven will have no excuse. All of humanity will come face to face with Jesus, who will ask this simple question “Do I know you?” And those who have rejected Jesus will want to say “but, but, but… And Jesus response, in His perfect justice will be “Was I not patient with you? Did I not allow you to reject me over, and over, and over again? What is your excuse?” And for that person, they will have none.

So here is a question to consider: how are you responding to the fact that the kingdom of heaven is patient, to a point? Are you responding to the patience of the kingdom of heaven by rejoicing in the grace that has been given you and by telling others about the grace that God is offering them through Jesus Christ? Or are you responding to the patience of the kingdom of heaven by taking advantage of it?

Because the timeless reality is that the kingdom of heaven is patient…to a point…

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