This week we have
been looking at the final section of this letter that has been preserved and
recorded for us in the New Testament of the Bible, called the book of 1 John.
So far theis week, we have looked on as John revealed for us a timeless truth
when it comes to connecting in community in that true
community and connection with God provides freedom. And in 1 John 5:18-21, we see John reveal
three different areas where true community and connection with God provides
freedom. First, in 1 John 5:18, we see John reveal for us the reality that true community and
connection with God provides freedom from the practice of sin.
Second, John revealed
for us the reality that true community and connection with God provides freedom from the power
of Satan. True community and connection with God
provides freedom from the power of Satan because Jesus entered humanity so we can comprehend
and wrap our minds around the reality that we can be freed from those things in
the world system around us that is hostile to God and that sets itself up in
opposition to God and the kingdom of God.
True community and connection with God provides
freedom from the power of Satan because Jesus entered into humanity to reveal
and explain God to humanity and to expose humanities need for forgiveness and
relationship with Him by allowing Himself to be treated as though He lived our
selfish and sinful life so that God the Father could treat us as though we
lived Jesus perfect life. Today, John reveals a third area
where true community and
connection with God provides freedom. We see that third area in 1 John 5:21:
children, guard yourselves from idols.
John concludes his letter by commanding the members
of the church at Ephesus, and followers of Jesus throughout history to guard
themselves from idols. This idea of guarding literally means to protect oneself
by taking careful measures. The idols that John is referring to here were
fabricated and imaged deities. But that is not all that John had in mind here. When
we read the message and teaching of Jesus and the letters that make up the
Bible, we discover that an idol is anything other than God that we elevate and
worship as God.
John’s point here is that in light of all that he
has shared in this letter about the components that make for true community and
connection with God and the landmines that can keep us from experiencing that
community and connection, we must be on guard against anything that competes
with God for our worship and devotion. Since a person who
is living in true community and connection with God has the freedom from the
practice of sin and the power of Satan, John is warning followers of Jesus
throughout history to not use that freedom to become enslaved to something
other than the source of your freedom.
And it is here that we see John reveal for us the reality that true community and connection
with God provides freedom from the pressures of idolatry. True community
and connection with God provides freedom from the pressures of idolatry because
when we experience true community and connection with God, we treasure Jesus as
our ultimate treasure. True community and connection with God provides freedom from
the pressures of idolatry because when we experience true community and
connection with God, we will be on guard against anything that competes with
God for our devotion.
Now you might be thinking to yourself at this moment
“Well Dave I don’t have an idol that competes with God for my worship and
devotion. I don’t worship a fabricated or imaged deity?” If that thought is in
your mind, here would be my response: Are you sure? Are you sure you don’t have
an idol?
Do you live in your idol? Do you drive your idol? Do
you look at your idol every morning in the mirror? Do you sleep next to your
idol? Do you get a paycheck from your idol? Do you worship the idol of comfort
or convenience? Do you worship the idol of position, possessions, or pleasure?
John is calling the readers of this letter
throughout history to carefully protect themselves from elevating anything
other than God to a place of worship. If you are not sure whether or not you
have an idol, here is a suggestion: Take some time and look at how you spend
your time, your treasure, your talents, and what you talk about. Because we
spend our time, our talent, our treasure, and our talk on what we treasure and
are devoted to.
So here is a question to consider: what is
imprisoning you? What bars and chains are you surrounded and shackled by? And
who placed them there?
see, the only way that we can lose our freedom as followers of Jesus over the
practice of sin and the power of Satan is when we choose to imprison ourselves.
And, at the same time, the only way that we can experience true freedom is
through a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and leader.
as we have discovered, true community and connection
with God provides freedom True community and connection with God provides
freedom from the practice of sin. True community and connection with God
provides freedom from the power of Satan. And true community and connection
with God provides freedom from the pressures of idolatry...
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