This week we are
looking at a section of a letter that has been preserved and recorded for us in
the New Testament of the Bible, called the book of John. In 1 John 2:28-29, John
explained that those who remain in close
connection and communion with Jesus will have a confidence and boldness in that
relationship and connection when they see Him face to face. This confidence and
boldness comes from knowing that they had lived in genuine and authentic
relationship and connection with Jesus that leveraged their time, treasure, and
talent into the kingdom mission that they had been given by Jesus.
John then revealed the reality that when we respond to Jesus making Himself known to us by
placing our confident trust in Him and recognizing and acknowledging who He is by accepting Him as
being large and in charge of our lives, we become a part of the family of God.
As John remembered and reflected
on Jesus conversation with Nicodemus, the point that John wanted to make
unmistakably clear is that if we know that Jesus is totally just, fair, and
right in character and actions, then the person whose life is marked by doing what
is just and right reveals the reality that they have a genuine and authentic
relationship and connection with Jesus as part of the family of God. John
is revealing the reality that it is the life of a person who reveals and
reflects Jesus in their character and conduct that produces the confidence
that, when Jesus returns, they will enter into the fullness of the community and
connection with God that they were created for as part of the family of God.
And as John continues in his letter to these early
followers of Jesus, we see John transition to reveal the reason why followers
of Jesus can have confidence as a result of their connection with Jesus as a
part of the family of God. So let’s discover that reason together, beginning in
1 John 3:1:
See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be
called children of God; and such we
are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
Now to fully
understand what John is communicating here, we first need to understand what
John means when he states “See how great a love the Father
has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God;” What is so interesting is that this statement,
in the language that that letter was originally written in, is actually in the
form of a question and answer. The word that John uses here for the word great
literally refers to how glorious something is. If John were making this
statement in the language that we use in our culture today, this statement
would sound something like this: “Do you realize how glorious the love is that
the Father has bestowed on us that we would be called the children of God?”
When John refers to
followers of Jesus as being called children of God, this phrase conveys the
concept of being identified with someone as a result of displaying the
characteristics of another, in this case God. John then answers his own
question by affirming the reality that those who have a genuine and authentic
relationship and connection with Jesus that is reflected by a life that reveals
and reflects Jesus are identified by others as being children of God.
John’s point here is
that the glorious love that God bestows on followers of Jesus results in a life
that looks more and more like Jesus. And as followers of Jesus live lives that
look more and more like Jesus, they will be identified by those around them as
being in relationship with God as part of the family of God.
John then reminded
the members of the church at Ephesus, and followers of Jesus throughout history,
that the world, which, as we discovered a few weeks ago, refers to those things
in the world around us that are hostile to God and place themselves in opposition
to God and His kingdom, “does not know us, because it did
not know Him.” John’s point here is that those in the world that are hostile to
God and oppose God do not
identify with or have genuine and authentic connection and relationship with
followers of Jesus because they did not identify with Jesus so as to trust and
follow Jesus. Instead they rebelled and rejected Jesus and His message and
John is reminding
followers of Jesus throughout history that it is God’s transforming love in our
lives that identifies us as His children as we live lives that reveal and
reflect Jesus to those around us. It is God’s transforming love that is the
source of the confidence that we can have as followers of Jesus that we possess
and genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus. And it is
that genuine and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus that will
result in a life that is lived in a way that is distinctly different from those
around us who rebel and reject Jesus. And as a result, those who rebel and
reject Jesus will not identify with followers of Jesus because they have
refused to identify themselves with Jesus.
John then concluded
this section of his letter by returning to what followers of Jesus will
experience at the end of God’s story here on earth when Jesus returns to earth.
We see John make this return in 1 John 3:2-3. Let’s look at it together:
Beloved, now we are children of
God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He
appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. 3
And everyone who has this hope fixed on
Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Here John reminds followers of Jesus throughout
history that, while their identity is that of a child of God that has a genuine
and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus, what that connection with
Jesus will look like in eternity has not been disclosed or made known. However,
while John did not know what that relationship and connection with Jesus would
look like in eternity, he did know something. When John uses the word know,
this word refers to the introduction of a well-known and generally accepted
fact. John then explained that the well-known and generally accepted fact that
he did know was that “that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we
will see Him just as He is.”
John here is
revealing the reality that when Jesus returns to earth, followers of Jesus will
be transformed so that they can participate in the Divine nature in the fullest
form of community and connection with God. John is reminding followers of Jesus
throughout history that, in eternity, we will share in the fullness of Jesus’
character and rightness. Now the big fancy church mumbo jumbo talk word for
what John is referring to here is the word glorification.
You see, when we read the letters that make up the
Bible, we discover that, apart from a relationship with Jesus, human beings are
sinners who sin; as John pointed our earlier in this letter, apart from Jesus, we
are selfish people who hate the light and love darkness.
However, when we become followers of Jesus, we
become saints who sometimes sin. As followers of Jesus, we have a new identity
and are being transformed by the Holy Spirit who takes up residence in us and
begins to make us more and more like Jesus in our character and conduct. The
big fancy church mumbo jumbo talk word for this is sanctification.
Yet there are still times where we live our lives in
the power of our old nature before we became followers of Jesus and selfishly
do things that hurt God and others and fail to follow the message and teachings
of Jesus, which the Bible calls sin. John’s point here is that when Jesus
returns, those who have a genuine and authentic relationship with Him will be
transformed into saints who never sin. We will be able to fully participate in
the Divine nature.
And because of this reality, John states in verse 3
that everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is
pure. Now when John uses the word hope, this word refers to looking forward with
a confident expectation that something promised is going to happen. In this
case, the hope that John is referring to is the confident expectation that Jesus
promise to return is going to happen. And this confident expectation in Jesus
return is an ongoing reality in their daily lives as they live in genuine and authentic
relationship and connection with Him.
And because of this confident expectation of Jesus
return in the daily lives of those who have a genuine and authentic relationship
and connection with Jesus, John states that these followers of Jesus purify themselves
just as Jesus is pure. This idea of purifying literally means to cause one to
be morally pure. John’s point is that followers of Jesus who have genuine and
authentic relationship and connection with Jesus will live their lives in such
a way that causes them to grow in moral purity which produces a life that looks
like Jesus in character and conduct.
And it is here, in
this section of this letter, that we discover a timeless truth when it comes to
connecting in true community. And that timeless truth is this: True community and
connection with Jesus Christ will produce confidence in us. Just as
it was for the members of the church at Ephesus; just as it has been for
followers of Jesus throughout history; true community and connection with Jesus
Christ will produce confidence in us.
The timeless reality is that, as followers of Jesus, our
community and connection with Jesus Christ will produce confidence when we meet
Him. As we as followers of Jesus live our lives in a way that reveals and
reflects Jesus in our character and conduct, we can have confidence that, when Jesus
returns, we will enter into the fullness of communion and connection with God
that we were created for.
As followers of Jesus, our community and connection
with Jesus Christ will produce confidence because of God’s love for us. It is God’s transforming love in our lives that
identifies us as His children as we live lives that reveal and reflect Jesus to
those around us. It is God’s transforming love that is the source of the
confidence that we can have as followers of Jesus that we possess and genuine
and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus. And it is that genuine
and authentic relationship and connection with Jesus that will result in a life
that is lived in a way that is distinctly different from those around us who
rebel and reject Jesus. And as a result, those who rebel and reject Jesus will
not identify with followers of Jesus because they have refused to identify
themselves with Jesus.
As followers of Jesus, our community and connection
with Jesus Christ will produce confidence for the future that drives us to
become more like Him in the present. The confident expectation that we have as followers
of Jesus that Jesus will return as a result of our genuine and authentic
community and connection with Jesus will drive us to live our day to day lives
in a way that we are becoming more like Jesus in character and conduct.
So here is a question to consider: are you living
the extraordinary lives of meaning, purpose, and significance that God created
us for? Are you living life in the confidence that comes from a genuine and
authentic relationship and connection with Jesus? Are you living lives with a
confident expectation of Jesus return that is driving you to become more like
Jesus in the present?
Because, as we have discovered, true community and
connection with Jesus Christ will produce
confidence in us. Our community and connection with Jesus Christ will produce
confidence when we meet Him. Our community and connection with Jesus Christ will
produce confidence because of God’s love for us. And our community and
connection with Jesus Christ will produce confidence for the future that drives
us to become more like Him in the present.
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