This week we are looking a section
of this famous sermon that Jesus preached, called the Sermon on the Mount,
which is recorded for us in a section of an account of Jesus life in the Bible
called the gospel of Matthew. So far, we have seen Jesus
focus for a second time in this sermon on the issue
of money. We looked on as Jesus commanded the crowds listening that they were
not to store up for themselves treasures on earth.
Instead of focusing on the accumulation of money,
possessions, and treasure on earth, Jesus commanded the crowds listening to His
sermon to store up, to accumulate for yourselves treasure in Heaven. Jesus
point to the crowds listening was that instead of focusing on making deposits
in their earthly bank accounts and retirement funds in a way that is focused on
building a kingdom of money, possessions, and treasure here on earth for themselves,
Jesus commands the crowds to make deposits in their heavenly bank accounts.
Jesus then
explained to the crowd that when they accumulated treasures in Heaven; when they
made deposits into their heavenly bank accounts, those investments cannot be consumed
by the things on earth. Jesus wanted the crowds to clearly understand that
while treasure on earth is temporary, treasure in Heaven lasts for eternity.
Jesus then
revealed the timeless reason behind His command to store up treasure in Heaven
with the timeless principle that our true desires are revealed by what we
invest in. Jesus point is that people will invest in the things that they are
devoted to. Jesus point is that those who are involved in a right relationship
with God and who are growing and maturing in that relationship will respond to all
that God has done for them by investing in God’s kingdom mission because they
treasure God above everything else.
Jesus then used a metaphor to reveal the reality
that we follow what we are focused on. Jesus explained that those who are
focused on storing up treasures in Heaven will reveal and reflect Jesus to
others. They will reflect Jesus’ generosity. They will reflect Jesus’ desire to
love and serve God and others through the money, possessions, and treasure that
we have while we live life on earth. And as they reveal and reflect Jesus to
others, the result is that they will advance God’s Kingdom and enhance God’s
Jesus then contrasted the person who is singularly
focused on storing up treasures in Heaven with the person who is focused on
storing up treasures on earth. Jesus then explained to the crowds listening
that the end result of having spiritual eyes that are unhealthy due to being
clouded by greed is that the person is described as being full of darkness. To
be full of darkness conveys the sense of an absence of Christ-likeness in a
person’s life.
Jesus then explained that if the light in you is
darkness, how great is the darkness. But what does that mean? Jesus point is
that the person whose life is clouded by greed and selfishness and that focuses
on storing up treasures for themselves on earth is full of spiritual and moral
darkness as well.
Now, another question that could arise here would be
“Well Dave can’t I do both? Can’t I store up treasure in Heaven and store up
treasures here on earth?” I don’t know
about you, but sometimes we can find ourselves trying to have it both ways,
can’t we? I can find myself tempted to try to have my feet in both worlds, so
to speak. So, can’t we do both? Can’t we store up treasures on earth and in Heaven?
We see Jesus provide the answer to this question in Matthew 6:24:
"No one
can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or
he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and
Jesus, in verse 24, makes it clear that we cannot
serve two masters. When Jesus uses the word serve here, He is referring to
someone who acts in total allegiance and total commitment to someone or something.
Jesus point is that a person cannot be totally committed to two differing
options. Jesus point is that a person cannot serve God and money not only
because of the reality that they will follow what they are focused on. Here Jesus
is revealing to the crowds the reality that we cannot serve God and money
because we will serve what we are devoted to.
The timeless reality is that God, on the one hand,
and money, possessions, and treasure, on the other hand, compete for our total
devotion. Jesus point is that we will either be totally devoted to God, or we
will be totally devoted to money, possessions, and treasure. Jesus here is
revealing the reality that God uses money to reveal who we love and trust more.
God basically says “Do you love me? Do you trust me? Do you love me more than
your money? Do you love me more than your possessions? Do you love me more than
your treasure? Do you love and trust me enough to handle your money and finances
according to my principles, or are you going to handle your money finances your
And it is here that we see Jesus reveal for us a timeless truth
about the true nature of what it means to obey
the message and teachings of Jesus and the true nature of a lifestyle that is
living a right relationship with Jesus.
And that timeless truth is this: A right relationship with God requires
that we handle our treasure in a way that demonstrates that we treasure Jesus
as our ultimate treasure. Just as it was for those who were listening
to this famous sermon; just as it has been for humanity throughout history; A right relationship with God requires that we handle our
treasure in a way that demonstrates that we treasure Jesus as our ultimate
You see, Jesus
circled back to the issue of money because Jesus knew that how we handle money
reveals our spiritual condition. Jesus circled back to the issue of money
because Jesus knew that how we handle money reveals who or what has our heart.
Because, this morning, the timeless reality is that we spend money on what we
love. We follow what we are focused on. And we will serve what we are devoted
Once again, we see that Jesus is concerned with our internal heart condition.
Jesus is concerned with our internal heart condition because Jesus knows, and
human history has shown, that eventually what is in the heart will spill out.
And, as Jesus points out in this part of His famous sermon, a right relationship with God requires that we handle our
treasure in a way that demonstrates that we treasure Jesus as our ultimate
So here is a question to consider: What does how you
handle your treasure reveal about what you treasure? Because, as Jesus stated,
for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. And the timeless
reality is that God and money, possessions, and treasure compete for our total
So, what does your checkbook say about what or who
you treasure? Because, as we discovered this morning, a right relationship with
God requires that we handle our treasure
in a way that demonstrates that we treasure Jesus as our ultimate treasure. You
see, when it comes to money and treasure, God does not want something from us;
God wants something for us.
God wants for us to experience the relationship with
Him that we were created for. And, as Jesus points out in this part of His famous
sermon, a right relationship with God
requires that we handle our treasure in a way that demonstrates that we
treasure Jesus as our ultimate treasure....
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