week, we have been looking at the ninth statement that comprises our doctrinal
statement as a church. This ninth statement addresses what we believe as a
church about Jesus return. This statement summarizes the answer to the question
“Is Jesus coming back to earth? And if Jesus is coming back to earth, how is He
coming back? And why is He coming back? And when is He coming back?” So let’s
look at this ninth statement of our doctrinal statement together:
We believe in the personal, bodily and
premillennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of Christ, at a time
known only to God, demands constant expectancy and, as our blessed hope,
motivates the believer to godly living, sacrificial service and energetic
far, we have talked about the reality that Jesus will return visibly to earth,
in person to set up His kingdom. In other words, Jesus will not return to earth
as a spirit. Instead Jesus will personally and bodily return to earth. We saw the
Apostle Paul comfort the members of the church at Thessalonica by explaining
that just as Jesus died and rose again from death, followers of Jesus who died
before Jesus returned to earth would be raised from the dead to be with Jesus.
encouraged the members of the church at Thessalonica by explaining that Jesus
Himself proclaimed that He would physically and bodily return to earth and that
all who believed trusted, and followed Him, whether physically alive or dead at
the time of His return, would be caught up alive to meet Him in the air as He
returned to earth to establish the kingdom of God in its fullest sense.
talked about the reality that we believe in the premillenial return of Jesus
Christ, When we say that we believe in the premillenial return of Jesus Christ,
we are saying that Jesus will visibly return and begin to establish the kingdom
of Heaven in its fullest sense at the end of the Great Tribulation, at which
time Jesus will rule and reign over the earth for a period of a thousand years.
Now this time in which Jesus will rule and reign over the earth is referred to
in church mumbo jumbo talk as the millennial kingdom.
also began to look at a section of an account of Jesus life in the Bible called
the book of Matthew, where Jesus began to answer the question as to when He
would return with three warnings. In Matthew 24:3-28, Jesus, in His response to the disciples warned His followers throughout
history to do not be deceived by the false signs of world events, to do not be
deceived as a result of the events of the great tribulation, and to do not be
deceived by the false signs of the Antichrist.
after giving His disciples, and followers of Jesus throughout history, these three
timeless warnings, we see Jesus answer the disciples question in verses Matthew
24:29-31. Let’s look at Jesus’ answer together:
But immediately after the
ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens
will be shaken. "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the
sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON
OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. "And He
will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER
His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
Jesus answers the disciples
question by quoting from two sections of two letters that are recorded for us
in the Old Testament of the Bible called the book of Isaiah and the book of
Daniel. Jesus quotes Isaiah 13:10 and Daniel 7:13, both of which refer to God’s
promise to send a rescuer, a deliverer, a Messiah. Jesus quotes these Old
Testament passages to reveal the reality that at the end of the Great
Tribulation, a battle will occur, called the battle of Armageddon, where the
forces of Satan and the antichrist are defeated at the Hands of Jesus as He
returns to earth to usher in the kingdom of Heaven here on earth for a thousand
And in these verses we see that
Jesus return will be unmistakable. In verses 30-31, we see that when Jesus
comes again there will be unmistakable phenomenon that occur in the universe to
mark His coming. Do you think you would miss the sun if it was no longer giving
light? Would you miss it if the stars fell from the sky? No, we would not miss
a sign of that nature.
The reality is that Jesus second
coming will be of such a scale that it will be unmistakable. However, while
Jesus return will be unmistakable, that does not necessarily mean that Jesus
return is predictable, as we see just a few verses later in Matthew 24:36:
"But of that day and hour
no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and
they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will
the coming of the Son of Man be. "Then there will be two men in the field;
one will be taken and one will be left. "Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be
responded to the disciples question about when He would be ushering in the
Kingdom of Heaven by simply saying that He did not know; only the Father knew.
Now a natural question that could arise here is “Well Dave, I thought you said
that Jesus was God and that God knew absolutely everything that there was to
know. So if that is the case, then how could Jesus not know?” That is a great question.
my response to that question would be this. As we discovered when we looked at
what we believe about Jesus, when Jesus entered into humanity, Jesus willingly
laid aside some of His Divine attributes in order to engage and enter into this
world. Jesus is fully aware of when He is returning to earth. And before
entering into humanity, Jesus was fully aware of when He was returning to earth.
However while on earth, Jesus willingly laid aside that knowledge of when He
was going to return to earth.
here we see Jesus reveal the reality that His return will be unexpected. And as
a result, upon His arrival people will be living out their day to day lives as
though He was not returning on the day He returns. Jesus reminds His followers
throughout history that the events surrounding His return will be reminiscent
of the days before the Lord flooded the earth in the days of Noah. Just as it
was on the day that the Lord began to flood the earth, people will be engaged
in their normal day to day lives, not expecting Jesus return and not prepared
for Jesus return.
Jesus states that there were two men in the field and two women grinding at the
mill and that one was taken and one was left, He is revealing the reality that
those who were taken were taken away to judgment as a result of their
selfishness and rebellion against God. Just as those who were unprepared for
the unexpected flood, those who are unprepared for the events surrounding Jesus
return as a result of their selfishness and rebellion against God will be taken
away to experience God’s right and just judgment for their rebellion.
reality is addressed in the final section of this doctrinal statement which
says “The coming of Christ, at a time known only to God, demands constant
expectancy and, as our blessed hope, motivates the believer to godly living,
sacrificial service and energetic mission.” We see Jesus address this reality
beginning in Matthew 24:42-44:
"Therefore be
on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. "But be
sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night
the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have
allowed his house to be broken into. "For this reason you also must be
ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
explained to His disciples that, because the events surrounding Jesus second
coming could occur at any time, they were to be on the alert for His return. Jesus
point to His disciples, and to His followers throughout history, is that we
must be prepared and ready for Jesus 2nd coming by being faithful
for our responsibilities as His followers.
as followers of Jesus, being faithful involves perseverance and consistency,
because we do not know how long it will be until Jesus comes again. However, those
who postpone their responsibilities to be faithful in order to be selfish and
rebellious against God to do evil reveal their lack of faithfulness to God.
see, as followers of Jesus every day matters. Every day is one day closer to
Jesus return. As we approach the blessed hope of living in the relationship
with God and one another in eternity in Heaven, released from the pain and
suffering that comes from sin and death, we are to leverage that hope into an
urgency to live our lives in a way that reveals and reflects Christ as we love
and serve others. And as followers of Jesus, we are to leverage that hope into
an urgency to share the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel with an
urgency that comes in light of the reality that every day matters.
after unpacking all of that information that is contained within this statement
of our doctrinal statement, we still have to answer the question: “Dave does
what we believe about Jesus return really matter?” And the answer to that
question leads us to a timeless truth about why it really matters.
that timeless truth is this: What we believe about Jesus return really matters because
Jesus return provides us hope for the future and the urgency to engage in the kingdom
mission we have been given in the present. What we believe about Jesus return
really matters because Jesus return provides us hope for the future. The hope
for the future that Jesus will physically and bodily return to earth so that
all who believed trusted, and followed Him, whether physically alive or dead at
the time of His return, will be caught up alive to meet Him in the air as He
returns to earth to begin to establish the kingdom of Heaven in its fullest
sense. The hope for the future that Jesus will physically and bodily return to
free us from the pain and suffering that comes from sin and death so that we
can experience the relationship with God that we were created for through all
what we believe about Jesus return really matters because Jesus return provides
us the urgency the engage in the kingdom mission we have been given in the
present. The urgency to live our day to day lives by loving and serving others
in a way that reveals and reflects Jesus to others who are far from Him. The
urgency to share the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel with the
urgency that comes in light of the reality that every day matters.
urgency that every day matters because every day is another day closer to Jesus
return, where all humanity will stand before Jesus to answer for how they lived
their lives here on earth. The urgency that every day matters because every day
is another day that people will die before Jesus returns, and will have to
answer for how they lived their lives here on earth. The urgency that every day
matters because every day is on opportunity to embrace and engage in the
kingdom mission that we have been given as followers of Jesus by God the be the
vehicle that He uses to reveal His Son Jesus and His message of rescue through
the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel to the world.
as we have discovered, what we believe about Jesus return really matters
because Jesus return provides us hope for the future and the urgency to engage
in the kingdom mission we have been given in the present....
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