Friday, May 3, 2013

How Should One Engage in the Marriage Debate?

This week, we have been looking at a section of a letter in the Bible called the book of Genesis. Wednesday, we discovered that because it is not good for man to be alone in his uniqueness; because it is not good for a woman to be alone in her uniqueness; a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh. We discovered the timeless truth is that in the beginning, God created marriage to engage one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment that reveals and reflects God’s love for us…and it was very good!!

We talked about the reality that God created the institution of marriage and has a divine design for marriage. And that divine design for marriage is that a man and woman cut the cord, so to speak, from their parents and join together in a covenant commitment that involves one man and one woman for one lifetime and become one flesh.

Now this phrase “one flesh” is not just talking about the physical aspect of sex. God has a divine design for marriage in that marriage has been divinely designed by God to be a picture on earth of the intimacy that we will have for all eternity with Christ. Marriage was designed by God to be a word picture to the world of the vulnerability, the transparency, and the intimacy that followers of Jesus will experience for all eternity with Him.

Today, I would like to talk about the move in our culture today to change the definition of marriage to include same sex marriage. I am often asked by people what my thoughts are on this issue and how we should respond to those who want to change marriage to include same sex marriages. So I would like for us to address what the Bible says about this issue and how followers of Jesus should engage this issue.

First and foremost, I believe that God has called us to talk about what we are for, not what we are against. And what followers of Jesus should be for is the desire that people experience the blessings of marriage as God designed it, which is that God created marriage to engage one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment that reveals and reflects God’s love for us…and it is very good!!

Second, I believe that all too often, we expect non-Christians to act like Christians before they become Christians, while at the same time allowing Christians to act like non-Christians. So, instead of spending all of our time trying to convince non-Christians that they are wrong, I believe we need to spend our time as followers of Jesus supporting and encouraging one another to have healthy and vibrant marriages that reveal and reflect Christ to the world around us.

What non-Christians need to hear from us first and foremost is not our position on gay marriage. What non-Christians need to hear first and foremost is the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel. And for all of you single ticket Christians out there that spend all your time and energy on this issue, here is a question for you to consider: What would happen if you spent as much time loving, serving, investing and inviting those who are far from God to explore faith as you do opposing gay marriage?

You see, the harsh reality is that your opinion on gay marriage is not going to change people. It is God, through the claims of Christ and the message of the gospel that changes people. The most important question isn’t “what do you think about gay marriage?” The most important question is “Who is Jesus?”.

Now for some of you, right about now you are pushing back at what I just said. And if we were able to have a conversation, the conversation might sound something like this: “But Dave, what about the government trying to pass laws about gay marriage? Shouldn’t we engage in the debate? Shouldn’t we oppose the government on this issue?”

If we were able to have that conversation, here would be my response: I believe that we should take advantage to participate in all the freedoms that we have been blessed with here in the United States, including the rights that we have to express our freedoms and be a part of the political process by voting.

And if the government and the people choose to pass laws that promote civil unions in order that people have equal access and rights when it comes to certain financial benefits and issues that is the government’s and people’s prerogative. The government can choose to call them civil unions; the government can choose to call them whatever they want to call them, but please do not call them marriage, because that is not how God has defined marriage and that has not been how humanity has defined marriage for thousands of years.

Now by saying what I just said, I am not making a political statement. Instead, as a pastor, I am simply the mailman who is proclaiming the mail. And that mail the God wrote makes it abundantly clear that God created and designed marriage for a specific purpose. And as a pastor, I will choose to spend my time and use the freedoms that God has blessed us with by talking about what God is for, which is that God created marriage to engage one man and one woman in a lifelong commitment that reveals and reflects God’s love for us…and it is very good.

I will choose to spend my time loving and serving people and creating environments where people can experience healthy and vibrant marriage relationships. And I will not put my hope in government or in the kingdoms of this world. I will put my hope in my relationship with Jesus and I will focus on living a life that reveals and reflects Jesus to those who are far from Him, because that is the mission that I have been given.

And if you are a follower of Jesus that is the mission you have been given….

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