Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Destructive Situation...

During this election season, we have been looking at a letter in the Bible called the book of Galatians, where we have seen a man named Paul provide several reasons why we are to vote no on religion and instead live gospel centered lives that are driven to respond to what God has done for us through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection by placing our confident trust in Jesus and following His message and teachings by faith.

This week, I would like for us to pick up where we left off last week. And as Paul continues to contrast a gospel centered life with a religious centered life, we will discover another timeless reason why we are to vote no on religion. So let’s discover this reason together, beginning in Galatians 5:2:

Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law.

Paul begins this section of his letter to the members of the churches of Galatia with two statements involving circumcision. As we have previously discovered in this series, circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves removing the foreskin from the male genitals with a surgical knife, or in this case, a knife made of stone.

The reason that circumcision was so significant was that circumcision was a covenant sign that identified the Jewish people as being God’s people. Circumcision was a religious act that was required to be performed under the Law so that you would be able to be identified as being right with God as part of the Jewish religious system. Circumcision was something you did for God in order to be in a right relationship with God.

What was happening in the churches of Galatia was that some members of the churches were being influenced by the false gospel of the religion of legalism that was being promoted by the Judaizer’s. Now the Judaizers taught that to become a Christian, one must follow the Mosaic Law’s standards and become circumcised. The Judaizers were legalists who advocated a faith plus works basis for salvation. In other words it was faith in God plus what you did for God by keeping a list of rules for God that resulted in a right relationship with God. It was the Judaizers who were mesmerizing the members of the churches of Galatia to abandon a gospel centered lifestyle for a religious centered lifestyle. And as a result some members of the churches of Galatia we being circumcised.

Paul responds to this situation by explaining that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. Now this little phrase, no benefit, conveys the sense of being unable to provide assistance or aid. Paul’s point here is that if the members of the churches of Galatia chose to abandon a gospel center lifestyle and instead identify themselves as being a part of a religious centered lifestyle through circumcision, then Christ would no longer be able to provide assistance or aid when it came to the problem of selfishness and rebellion that separated them from God.

Now you might be thinking to yourself “why not? I mean Dave, why would Jesus be no longer able to provide assistance or aid if someone chose to embrace a religious centered life of legalism that involved faith in Christ plus works for God in order to be in a right relationship with God?” If that question is running through your mind, I want to let you know that it is a great question to be asking.

Paul provides the answer to that question in verse 3: “And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law.” When Paul uses the word obligation here, this word refers to one who is under obligation in a moral or social sense to do something. And for the person who received circumcision, the moral obligation that they were under was to keep the whole Law. When Paul refers to the Law here, he is referring to the first five books that are recorded for us in our Bibles today, which the Jewish people referred to as the Law or the Torah;

The point that Paul is making here is that those who were circumcised in order to identify themselves as a part of the Jewish religious system were entering into a covenant relationship with God that required them to be perfectly obedient to all of God’s commands. You see, God made it clear to the Jewish people that His standard was perfection and by being circumcised in order to identify with the Jewish religious system, you were agreeing to that standard. And the Jewish people, when they entered into that covenant relationship, agreed that the consequence for failing to perfectly keep God’s commands was to receive divine condemnation for their disobedience.

God’s standard was clearly communicated from the beginning and has not changed. To be in a right relationship with a perfect God requires perfection. So, when the members of the churches of Galatia began to identify themselves with the religion of legalism that was based on one’s performance for God instead of trusting in Jesus performance for us, Christ was of no benefit. Christ could no longer provide assistance or aid because they were no longer trusting in Christ but in their performance for God.

And here we see Paul reveal for us another timeless reason why we are to vote no on religion. And that timeless reason is this: We are to vote no on religion because religion results in destruction. In Galatians 5:2-15, we are going to see Paul reveal for us four different areas where a religious centered lifestyle results in destruction.

Tomorrow, we see Paul reveal the first area where relying on a religion results in destruction…

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