And in this story Jesus makes a statement that is one of the most famous statements that is recorded for us in the entire Bible. This statement is often referred to as the “Great Commission”. Jesus here is giving His followers a mission; and that mission is to make disciples of all nations. And at the church where I serve, we believe that followers of Jesus are fully engaged in the Great Commission when we are investing in that mission in three specific ways. We believe that the Bible teaches us that making disciples that are growing and maturing in their relationship with Jesus requires that we invest our time in a community group, our talents in a ministry, and our treasure through giving.
And so often, most sermons or conversations on this story tend to end here. But that is not where this story ends. Jesus still has more to say. And as this story continues, Jesus makes an amazing statement that helps resolve the tension when it comes to the question of whether or not God’s presence is present. So let’s look at this statement together, which is at the end of Matthew 28:20:
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."Jesus grabs the attention of His disciples with what is translated in our Bibles today as lo. This would be like me standing up here this morning and saying “Yo, listen up!” Jesus wanted to have the disciples undivided attention because He was about to introduce something new; something previously unheard of; something that would have been viewed by the disciples as unusual. And what was so new and unusual was this: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age”. Jesus here is promising His disciples, and followers of Jesus throughout history that He is fully present. Just because God may seem silent, that does not mean that God is not present. Just because we cannot see God, that does not mean that God is not present.
You see God’s presence is evident when followers of Jesus are engaged in community with one another and on mission with one another. When followers of Jesus gather together in community to worship, we experience God’s presence in powerful ways. When followers of Jesus gather together in community groups, we experience God’s presence in a powerful way as we support and encourage one another. When followers of Jesus invest their talents serving God by serving others, we are used by God to reveal His presence to others. When followers of Jesus invest their treasure, we are used by God to reveal His presence to others as we create environments where people can explore faith, grow in their faith, and experience community.
And God’s presence is most powerfully present when we engage in God’s kingdom mission in community with one another. We are never any closer to God’s presence here on earth than when followers of Jesus are engaged in God’s kingdom mission in community with one another, because God has divinely designed the church to be the vehicle that He uses to reveal His presence to one another and the world.
As followers of Jesus, God has promised us His presence will be present. And we experience God’s presence most powerfully in community with one another. And God has given us a mission. A mission to make disciples; to be used by God to bring followers of Jesus into relationship with Him and in community with one another that results in their spiritual growth and good. And what is so amazing is that this mission is not a solo mission; this mission is not simply a mission that followers of Jesus engage apart from God. This mission is a CO-MISSION. This is a mission that God partners with us as He equips and empowers us to be the vehicle that He uses to reveal His presence to the world.
And in this New Year, we will be looking at the CO-MISSION that God has given us...
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