Monday, August 30, 2010

Disrespecting Singleness through our Attachments...

As a church, we have been involved in a sermon series entitled when Christians act unchristian. During this series we have looked at a letter written by a man named Paul that reveals many different ways that Christians can act unchristian by failing to reflect Christ or follow His teachings. And in this letter Paul wrote to a church we see another timeless truth about a stage of life where Christians can act unchristian. And that timeless truth is that Christians act unchristian when we disrespect singleness.

Beginning in 1 Corinthians 7:25, we see the Apostle Paul reveal four ways that Christians act unchristian by disrespecting singleness. First we see that we disrespect singleness when we fail to focus on the right attachments. We see this way revealed for us in 1 Corinthians 7:25-31:

Now concerning virgins I have no command of the Lord, but I give an opinion as one who by the mercy of the Lord is trustworthy. I think then that this is good in view of the present distress, that it is good for a man to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you released from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Yet such will have trouble in this life, and I am trying to spare you. But this I say, brethren, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none; and those who weep, as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice, as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy, as though they did not possess; and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the form of this world is passing away.

Paul begins this section of his letter to the church at Corinth by addressing singles. Paul explains that while Jesus has not given him an authoritative directive about how singles are to approach relationships and marriage, he does have a point of view on the subject that they should respect. Paul then provides his viewpoint on how singles should approach relationships and marriage by stating that he thinks in view of the present distress, it is good for a man to remain as he is. But what is the present distress that Paul is so worried about?

In light of the context that these comments come in, it is most likely that Paul is speaking about the present distress in terms of the suffering and trouble that we can experience in life and that can be complicated and compounded in marriage. In other words, in light of the troubles and suffering that we may experience on earth before we get to eternity with Jesus in Heaven, it would be good for men to remain in the relational state that they are currently in.

Paul then elaborates on what he means when he states that men should remain in the current relational state that they are in. Paul states that if you are currently married, then do not seek a divorce from your wife, instead remain married. And if you are not currently bound to a wife because you are single, then do not seek to become married, but remain single. Paul then explains that while he thinks that it is good for men who are currently single to remain unmarried, if they do choose marry they have not sinned. The Apostle then explains that the reason that he holds the point of view is due to the fact that such will have trouble in this life, and I am trying to spare you. But what does that mean?

Paul then answers this question and reveal a timeless principle to us today. Paul begins by stating that the time has been shortened. Paul’s point here is that Jesus entering into humanity in order to explain God and to provide us the opportunity to receive the forgiveness of our selfishness and sin and enter into the relationship with God that we were created for by believing, trusting, and following Jesus as Lord and Leader has profound implications on our current circumstances.

As followers of Jesus, we are now in the final chapters of God’s story here on earth. And while we do not know exactly how long those final chapters will be, we do know that we are closer to Jesus return to earth than we have ever been before. And in light of that reality Paul states that the members of the church at Corinth, and us here today should do five things when it comes to our attachments.

First Paul addresses earthly relational attachments by stating that those who have wives should be as though they had none. Paul’s point here is that those who have earthly relational attachments should understand that those attachments are temporary whereas the attachment to Christ is eternal. Paul then focuses on our emotional attachments by stating that those who weep and rejoice should be as those who do not weep and rejoice. Paul’s point here is that what moves us emotionally in Heaven will far supersede the temporary emotional attachments that we experience here on earth.

Paul then draws our attention to material possessions by stating that those who buy should be as those who did not possess. Paul is revealing the reality that to those who have material attachments should understand that those attachments are only temporary in nature. Paul then states that those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it, which focuses on our attachments to our lifestyle and way of life. Paul’s point is that those who have attachments to a lifestyle or way life is lived on earth should understand that those attachments are temporary whereas the attachment to Christ is eternal.

Paul then provides the reason for how we are to view the attachments we have on earth by explaining that the world, and everything about the world, as we know it will go out of existence and disappear when Jesus returns to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven in its fullest sense where we will experience to eternal relationship with Him that we were created for in Heaven.

As Christians, however, we can act unchristian and disrespect singleness when we become focused and consumed with the wrong attachments instead of placing our attachment to Christ first and foremost. And when we focus on the wrong attachments, the result is a loss of perspective when it comes to what will stand the test of time and remain for all eternity.

So what are you attached to? And how does what you are attached to impact and influence your perspective on life?

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