This week we have seen two ways that the church can act unchristian by failing to complete its mission. Paul concludes the section of his letter to the church of Corinth that we have been looking at by revealing a third way that Christians can act unchristian by failing to complete the mission. That third way is that we fail to complete the mission when we try to damage the church. We see this reality revealed for us in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17:
"Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are."
In verse 16, Paul asks a rhetorical question that reveals a timeless truth that both the Corinthian church and many churches today should know the answer to. "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" Paul here is not talking to individual Christians; Paul here is talking to the church at Corinth. We know that to be the case because the “you” in verse 16 is plural. While this section of Paul’s letter has profound implications for individual followers of Jesus, these implications are related to how followers of Jesus are to partner together in the mission and ministry of the church.
Paul here is questioning the church at Corinth, and churches today, as to whether they know and understand that the church is a temple of God where the Holy Spirit takes up residence and lives. Paul is pointing out the timeless truth that churches are to understand their significance in their communities. This church has been placed by God in this distinctive environment to be distinctively different in terms of how we relate to God and to one another.
And because of this reality, Paul states in verse 17 that if any man attempts to destroy the temple of God, God will destroy him. Paul’s point here is that if any human sets as their goal to damage and destroy a church, that God will respond with punishment that is devastating and eternal nature. That is how strongly God feels about his bride the church. Attempting to damage and destroy the church would be like if I were to go up to your spouse and punch him or her in the throat. If I were to do that, how would you respond? Now how do you think God is going to respond when people punch His bride, the church, in the throat by attempting to damage and destroy her though division, dissention, and other sin?
Paul continues by explaining that the reason God feels so strongly is due to the fact that the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. What Paul is communicating here is that the church is to be dedicated and set apart to serve God as the vehicle that He uses to accomplish the kingdom mission of revealing His Son Jesus to the world.
So are you participating in a church community in a way that helps advance the mission we have been give? Or are you acting in a way that is damaging instead of advancing what God desires to do?
hi David, just came across your blog. I am from Arizona originally - Phoenix area. Just thought i would pass on a note of encouragement to you. Keep up the God-stuff you're doing! Blessings, David Kinnaman @ Barna Group